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The others will help us search the island," Laura said, cheerfully. "Make out a list of what is needed, Laura," advised Mrs. Morse, as she retired to her typewriter. "And be sure to get a bottle of peroxide. It's good for cuts, or mosquito bites, or any poison." Not long after breakfast the two powerboats, the Duchess and the Bonnie Lass, were seen approaching.

So they fished, and swam, and picked berries, and hunted flowers and herbs, and went out sailing with the boys in the powerboats, and drove their canoes up and down the lake, having a fine time every hour of the day. Mrs. Morse got on famously with her book, and allowed the girls to do about as they liked.

This would scarcely be before dark, for there was some current to Rocky River, although its channel was deep and there were no bridges or other barriers which the powerboats and their tows could not easily pass. The boys expected to have to rough it at the site of their camp for the first night, and they had come prepared for all emergencies of wind and weather. All, did we say? All but one!

"No, girls," Laura said, seriously, when she came down from the rock and led the way to the breakfast table. "Chet assures me none of the boys have been over here. They were coming right after breakfast, anyway, and will come in the powerboats." "They know nothing about our loss, and Chet is impressed with the seriousness of the affair.

She said, as they trooped up to dress: "We'll wig-wag the boys and bring them over. They will help us search the island. Besides, we shall need one of the powerboats to go for more food. It seems funny that a man who was willing to pay for what he took and pay so well did not go down to Elberon Crossing and buy at the store just what he took from us."

Laura ran for the binoculars and examined the boys' camp. Both powerboats were there, and the five canoes. The boys were all disporting themselves in the water Laura could count the six. "If they did it," she said, "they got back to their camp very early." "See this!" shrieked Bobby, suddenly. She was pointing to the table, set as usual for breakfast.

"What is it I see?" begged the younger boy, wringing his hands and glaring across the short strip of water between the powerboats. "I know there ain't no sech animile, as the farmer said when he first saw the giraffe at the circus." "What's eating you, Billy?" asked Lance, who was giving his attention to the steering of the Bonnie Lass. "Don't frighten the girls and Mrs. Morse to death."