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Sometimes they find that the children seem to comprehend what they hear, but soon forget it; hence they conclude that the brain is soft, and can not retain impressions, and then they cover the head with cold poultices of oak-bark in order to tan or harden the fibers.

This lasted a minute. "Marie darling, there's a doctor Frenzel living here, a friend of mine.... I could run for him." "Nonsense!" "What do you mean by nonsense? Tell me, Marie, what is it hurting you? For we might try fomentations... on the stomach for instance.... I can do that without a doctor.... Or else mustard poultices."

The eschar was at length removed by the healing process and was separated together with the nail, and the case was unattended by any further inconvenience or trouble either to the patient or myself. It is scarcely necessary to contrast the advantage of this mode of treatment with that by plasters, poultices, &c.

Aunt Melissy she stormed and carried on, and said her family was ruined and that she was going back to her folks; but she had gotten more peaceful-like by morning, and put some poultices and bandages on me, and said she didn't see how in time that little, spindly hired man and a mere girl could get a big, strong fellow like me into such a state, though she said, of course Minty was a Glenwood and the Glenwoods were always fighters.

Darius was easier between two crises. "Well," said she tranquilly, "how is he?" She was tying her apron. "Pretty bad," Edwin answered, with affected nonchalance. "Nurse is a bit better. I've given her three fresh poultices since midnight. You'd better go now, hadn't you?" "All right. I've let the fire out." "I'll tell Jane to light it. She's just making some tea for you." He went.

By this time the tumor was the size of a fist and had broken through the skin of the left breast. It was very ugly, very hard. Biokinesiology showed the usual deadly triangle and other associated organ weakneses typical of cancer. Marie began fasting on water with colonics and poultices and bodywork and counseling and supplements.

Accordingly hernia, with Gilbert, includes not only scrotal hernia, but also hydrocele, orchitis, tumors of the testicles, etc. This is apparent, too, in his treatment of hernia, which consists usually in the employment of various poultices and ointments, bleeding from the saphena, cups over the kidneys, etc., though hydrocele is tapped and a seton inserted.

In perfect silence, but with a despatch that would have done credit to hospital training, the trapper removed the dead flesh, dressed the sores, applied poultices of certain herbs gathered in the woods, and bandaged them up.

The programme, which extends from making poultices and making beds to receiving doctors' instructions, understanding them, remembering them, and acting on them, is neither short nor easy, though a fairly good and trained intellect and an unswerving devotion to duty will get through it triumphantly in time.

I was there by that time, 'n' we set Polly to fryin' poultices, 'n' Mrs. Macy 'n' me slapped 'em on hot. Sam was sent with the horse to get the doctor's darnin'-needles 'n' thread, 'n' young Dr. Brown told him to drive by the station 'n' tell Johnny to telegraph to Meadville f'r old Dr. Carter to come over 'n' help him 's fast as he could. "Well, Mrs.