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This was a great step towards making the Stadtholderate hereditary in their families, one of the leading objects of their ambitious views. His Edition of Stobæus. His Treatise de Jure Belli et Pacis. His Treatise de Veritate Religionis Christianæ. His Treatise de Jure summarum potestatum circa sacra. His Commentary on the Scriptures. Some other Works of Grotius

Grotius adopted, upon this point, the sentiments of what is termed in England the Low Church: he seems to have pushed them to their utmost bearings. With these sentiments, he published his treatise de Imperio summarum potestatum circa sacra. It was disliked by King James and his bishops: Grotius, in their opinion, gave too much authority, in sacred things, to the secular power.

Many Protestant churches declare, that the Bible, and the Bible only, contains their creed: but, do they not all mean by this the Bible, as it is explained by the Articles, the Formulary, or the Confession received by their church? Grotius's Treatise De Jure summarum potestatum circa sacra. And, Commentatio ad loca quædam Novi Testamenti, quæ de Antichristo agunt, aut agere putantur.

The first was to contain his Annotations on the Old Testament; the second, the Commentary on the New; the third would have comprehended his smaller theological pieces; the fourth, the treatise De Jure Belli & Pacis, the Apology, and the work De Imperio summarum potestatum circa Sacra; the fifth, Law Tracts; the sixth, Writings Historical; the seventh, Philological Works; the eighth, Poetical Translations, the Anthologia, Stobæus, and the Extracts from the Tragedies and Comedies; and, lastly, the ninth, his Poems and Letters.