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"Thought you didn't approve of them." "I don't, for other people. But you're so fond of them I feel as if I ought to do all I can for you." "All right, joke away, little girl. I don't mind. I say, Poppycheek, what's this May-day business? An old-fashioned picnic?" "Not exactly. It's a new-fashioned picnic. But they crown a May- queen, and all that sort of foolishness." "And who is to be queen?"

But if I hadn't, I should now. There's only one girl in the world for me. I wonder if she is mixed up with that Van Reypen chap. He had a most proprietary manner, but all the same, that little witch is quite capable of scooting off like that, just to tease me. Oh, I'll play her own game and meet her on her own ground. Little Poppycheek!" With a nonchalant air, Mr.

Come to your waiting knight!" Kit's voice was very wheedlesome, and Patty was moved to encourage him a little. "Do you know, I almost think that maybe possibly perhaps, I WILL go." "Really? Oh, Poppycheek, I'm SO glad! I do want to see My Girl!" "YOUR girl, indeed!" "Yes; mine by right of discovery." "But you haven't discovered me yet." "But I will, on Friday night. You'll TRULY come, WON'T you?"

Didn't I say most unkind things about Miss Fairfield?" "No unkinder than I did. We both jumped on her, and said she was vain and horrid." "I never said such dreadful things! I'm sure I didn't. But, if I did, I shall spend the rest of my life making up for it. And I called you Poppycheek!" Cameron looked at Patty's cheeks in such utter dismay that she laughed outright.

The regard I have for you, Miss Poppycheek Fairfield, is too everlasting real to have any joke about it!" "And the friendship I have for you, Mr. Kit Cameron, is so nice and real, that I'm going to keep it up."

"Belle Harcourt." "MY Belle! Oh, I'm glad of that. And so Princess Poppycheek is going to be made a queen! Well, so long as you're my Belle, you may be anybody's queen you like." "I like an awful lot of people." "Mostly men." "No, sir! The men mostly like me. I like mostly girls. Don't you think Daisy Dow's charming and pretty?" "Yes, she is a very pretty girl. You're fond of her?" "I am now.

But I won't have you serious about it." "All right, Poppycheek. I'm pretty serious, or I would be if you'd let me, but if you don't want it you shan't have it." "Well, I don't. I don't want seriousness from anybody. And, anyway, Kit, I'd be afraid of seriousness from you." "Why, Patty?" "'Cause it would probably turn out to be a practical joke." "Joke nothing!

I'll go on a quest." "Goodness, what is a quest?" "Oh, it just means that I henceforth devote my whole life to finding you." "But you can't find me, when you don't know my name." "I'll make up a name for you. I'll call you Princess Poppycheek." "How could you guess I'm a brunette?" "I can tell it from your voice. You have snapping black eyes and dark curly hair, and the reddest of red cheeks."

"Yes, Miss," and the chauffeur threw on a little more speed. "Poppycheek, you rascal, I intended to miss that train." "Well, you don't do it! see? We've enough to do to-morrow, without you bothering around. You can come up Saturday, but to-morrow we're going to be awfully busy." "Van Reypen coming?" "Of course. A party isn't a party without Phil." "Huh! I'm not afraid of him.

Cameron's card, and on it was written: "To Princess Poppycheek; that they may tell all that I may not speak." "Now that's a real nice sentiment," Patty declared; "you see, it doesn't commit him to anything, and yet it sounds pretty. Oh, I shall end by adoring that young man! Bring me some bowls and things, please, Jane; I want to arrange this flower garden myself."