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The street boys and vagabonds ran to see the show. It was so sealed that it could not be opened without breaking the seal. It was reputed a private order. It is considered necessary to what is called the police of the country, a word for which we have in English no exact equivalent. Police, in this sense, not only punishes crime, but averts danger.

It fell to the lot of the Police to gather the evidence, to secure the presence of witnesses, to furnish guards, and at headquarters in Regina the duties were very heavy. But these trained men worked with steady precision, for the lesson had to be taught that insurrection and murder were not to be tolerated under our flag.

Several months neglect and inattention at length discouraged him, and he resolved to return home; but, on applying for a passport to the United States, he was informed by the police that he could not have a passport to go out of the empire.

The socialists of Barcelona and Andalusia stood out for the absolute sovereignty of the communes; they proposed to endow Spain with ten thousand independent municipalities, to legislate on their own account, and their creation to be accompanied by the suppression of the police and the army.

I got out second, and saw a spectacle of haggard faces, shouting menaces and pleadings; I saw hands waved wildly, one or two fists clenched; I saw the police, shoving against the mass, poking with their sticks, none too gently. A poor devil in a waiter's costume stretched out his arms to me, yelling in a foreign dialect: "You take de food from my babies!"

Collisions with the police occurred, and on March 15th barricades began to be erected. Traffic in the streets was only possible with the aid of the military.

Darling, how can I tell you, before a third person, what I feel for you? You are everything to me; and, if you no longer love me, I don't care what happens. Give me up to the police if you like. The gallows is as good a place as another, without your love." Long before he had finished, all traces of resentment had vanished.

The yellow line on the horizon, where the moon was coming up, was a broken bit of golden chain: my heel in the sand was again pressed on a woman's yielding fingers: I pulled myself together with a jerk. "In order that what you might tell me may help me, if it will," I said constrainedly, "it would be necessary, perhaps, that you tell it to the police.

"I wasn't lookin' in." "Well, if it wasn't you, it was some one just like you. But why did you run when I raced down the street?" "I I don't know," and the lad began to snivel. "I I jest ran that's all 'cause I see everybody else runnin', an' I thought there was a fire." "Ha! That's a likely story! You ran because you are guilty! I'm going to hand you over to the police."

That's the thief I'll swear I heard him not three minutes ago rushed downstairs the door into the garden was smashed I ran across the garden he was sneaking about here still Thief! Thief! Police! Diamonds! Constable, don't let him go I'll make you responsible if you let him go "'Now then that'll do! admonished D 21 as soon as he could get a word in, 'stop that row, will you?