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Well, this illness of mine has, for these weeks, made an old man of me. And I'm grateful to it for giving me a chance to look ahead, before it's too late. I want to make the most of it. Because you see, my dear, in ten years or thereabouts the course of nature will have made of me what this pneumonia has given me a foretaste of. Ten years. You will be forty, then."

"You had a pretty close call, young man," he said, in response to Alec's attempt to question him. "A leetle more and it would have been double pneumonia. But you're about out of the woods now. We'll soon have you on your feet." Giving his patient a few more spoonfuls, he drew the covers gently in place, saying, "Now don't you talk any more. Turn over and go to sleep."

Loss of appetite, dull headache, fretfulness, persistent weariness, despondency, followed by a general weakness and an impoverished state of blood, often result. Persons in this lowered state of health are much more prone to surfer from colds, catarrhs, bronchitis, and pneumonia than if they were living in the open air, or breathing only pure air.

Inflammatory rheumatism, with a complication of pneumonia; in itself not necessarily fatal, or even dangerous, but with a man of the Old Prospector's age and habits of life this complication might any moment become serious. He left some medicine, ordered nourishing food, perfect rest and quiet, and was about to depart. "How soon shall I be up, doctor?" enquired the Old Prospector.

They are too dastardly to come down here and help us fight, and they are too pusillanimous to fight for their own side." Our daily work was very wearisome, having to walk from four to six miles each day. Fresh arrivals daily required our attention, and after wind or rain pneumonia and deaths were frequent. Bible-reading and prayer were also a part of our mission.

The path of infection is usually through an abrasion of the skin, and the primary manifestations are local, constituting what is known as the malignant pustule. In other cases the disease is contracted through the inhalation of the dried spores into the respiratory passages. This occurs oftenest in those who work amongst wool, fur, and rags, and a form of acute pneumonia of great virulence ensues.

One would have been obliged to have a strong escort of police, and besides in evening dress, even with fur cloaks and the fur and woollen boots every one wore over their thin shoes, one would certainly have risked getting a bad attack of pneumonia.

When I arrived on the second day of her illness, knowing nothing of it until I reached her, I found her already past hope. Her disease was pneumonia, but she was conscious to the end, and her greatest desire seemed to be to see me christen her little daughter and her husband before she left them.

In the great majority of instances inflammation of the lung-substance does not go on to the last stage, and recovery is not only possible, but probable, from congestion and solidification of the organ. Pneumonia, too, usually attacks only a portion of one lung, while in bronchitis the air-tubes of both are always involved.

When she caught cold from working all day among damp evergreens for the Christmas decorations, and, developing pneumonia, died, she died resentfully, thanking God that she had always done her duty, and quite unable to imagine how the world would go on without her.