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The earlier and lower stage are the unnucleated cytodes, the body of which consists of only one kind of albuminous matter the homogeneous plasson or "formative matter." A phytomoneron, the globular plastids of which secrete a gelatinous structureless membrane. The Monera are permanent cytodes. Their whole body consists of soft, structureless plasson.

Food particles and waste. 5. Cell-wall. 6. Masses of active material found in certain cells, called plastids. Surrounding the nucleus is the main body of the cell, sometimes referred to as the "protoplasm." Since the protoplasm forms all parts of the cell, this substance is more properly called the cytoplasm, or cell plasm.

Biology, with its protoplasmic elements, its plastids, gemmules, hypotheses on hereditary transmission by means of infinitesimal subdivisions; the theory of evolution, which speaks off-hand of periods of a hundred thousand years; and many other scientific theses that I omit, offer fine material for the numerical imagination.

The earliest ancestors of our race were simple Protophyta, and from these our protozoic ancestors were developed afterwards. From the morphological point of view both the vegetal and the animal Protists were simple organisms, individualities of the first order, or plastids.