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What the rain doesn't wash goes dirty; an' as for that old cook they've got, if she isn't drunk all the time, her mind's givin' way, an' I expect she'll end by pizenin' all of them. The vittles she gave me to eat, bein' nearly tired to death when I got thar, was sich that they give me pains that I hain't got over yit. And what would have happened if I'd eat a full meal, nobody knows."

"Somethin' he's et," Bowers vouchsafed. "The doctor says it's pantomime pizenin', or some sech name anyhow, he's plenty sick." "Where is he?" Bowers nodded across the flat where they had been holding the sheep while waiting for their cars. Kate swung her horse about and galloped for the tent where Teeters lay groaning in his blankets on the ground.

"A case of pizenin'?" asked the man very earnestly. "Yes," said she, wrapping her shawl around her; "the worse kind of pizenin'!" Then she talked no more. The servant-girl slept late, and there were a good many ladies in the parlor when she came down. She did not give them a chance to ask her anything, but told her message promptly.

He introduced a timprance lecturer that towld the boys the poteen was pizenin' thim, an' 'twas wather they must dhrink. Ha! Ha! Will I tell ye what owld Sheela Maguire said to the timprance man?" I admitted a delirious delight in discursive digression. "The timprance man had a wondherful glass that made iverything a thousand million times as big. What's this he called it?

"Yes, you ken stay right here an' we'll look after you, me an' a few o' the boys. You're a prisoner, Jim Thorpe, and if you attempt to escape, we'll blow you to bits. We'll look after you, sure. You shan't escape, don't you mistake. It 'ud do me good to hand you a little lead pizenin'." "I've no doubt," was all the answer Jim vouchsafed.

Why don't you behave desunt like other folks? Go to work and earn a honist livin and not stay round here in this lazy, shiftless way, pizenin the moral atmosphere with your pestifrous ideas! You wimin folks go back to your lawful husbands if you've got any, and take orf them skanderlous gownds and trowsis, and dress respectful like other wimin.

"Sure, we're not that particular," she observed, with her jolly laugh. "Don't be goin' out in the cold, Mr. Brian." "Why, what sort of a fellow would I be at all if I could forget myself that way," he returned, rising with alacrity. "Would ye have me pizenin' the young ladies? I hope I know me manners better."

"We're troubled a heap with coyotes them days, and finally this party sends home for some Rooshian wolf-hounds. I'm fer pizenin' a sheep carcass, but he says: "'No, no, me deah man; that's not sportsman-like; we'll hunt 'em. Ay, hunt 'em! Only fawncy the sport we'll have, ridin' to hounds! "'We will not, says I. 'I ain't goin' to do no Simon Legree stunts. It ain't man's size.

"Oh, Ben," she shrieked, "you done tuk all my win'!" "Dah, now," he said, letting her down; "dat's what you gits fu' talkin' sassy to me!" "Nev' min'; I'm goin' to fix you fu' dat fus' time I gits de chanst see ef I don't." "Whut you gwine do? Gwine to pizen me?" "Worse'n dat!" "Wuss'n dat? Whut you gwine fin' any wuss'n pizenin' me, less'n you conjuh me?" "Huh uh still worse'n dat.

And you thought of any number of queer old Doges, rainin' and pizenin' and actin', some on 'em, and marryin' the Adriatic; a poor match in my opinion and one that you couldn't expect to turn out well, the bride bein' slippery and inconstant and the bridegroom mean as pusley, cruel and cunning, besides bein' jest devoted to the Council of Ten.