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At Glenormiston, one of the stations visited, the blacks had just returned from the Mulligan River, where they had procured their season's supply of "Pituri." This is obtained from a small bush, and when prepared for chewing, has an effect similar to opium. The "pituri" is much prized by the blacks.

Kennedy traces the Victoria in its final course south Re-named the Barcoo First notice of the PITURI chewing natives Leichhardt's second Expedition Failure and Return Leichhardt's last Expedition His absolute disappearance Conjectures as to his fate Kennedy starts from Rockingham Bay to Cape York Scrubs and swamps Great exertions Hostile natives Insufficiency of supplies provided Dying horses Main party left in Weymouth Bay Another separation at Shelburne Bay Murder of Kennedy at the Escape River Rescue of Jacky the black boy His pathetic tale of suffering Failure to find the camp at Shelburne Bay Rescue of but two survivors at Weymouth Bay The remainder starved to death Von Mueller in the Australian Alps Western Australia Landor and Lefroy, in 1843 First expedition of the brothers Gregory, in 1846 Salt lakes and scrub Lieutenant Helpman sent to examine the coal seam discovered Roe, in 1848 His journey to the east and to the south A. C. Gregory attempts to reach the Gascoyne Foiled by the nature of the country Discovers silver ore on the Murchison Governor Fitzgerald visits the mine Wounded by the natives Rumour of Leichhardt having been murdered by the blacks Hely's expedition in quest of him Story unfounded Austin's explorations in Western Australia Terrible scrubs Poison camp Determined efforts to the north Heat and thirst Forced to return.

Had the pole caught in a stump, the probability was that it or the rope would break. However, we got it safely across the channels, which varied in depth up to 25 feet of water. It was quite dark when we reached the station, all tired out. The black boys behaved splendidly, so I gave them the "pituri" intended for Mr. Bailey. This gift they prized far more than money or tobacco.

It only grows in certain localities, far west of where Kennedy saw the natives using it, and the blacks of the locality where it is found barter it away with other tribes, by which means it is found at a considerable distance from where it grows. Amongst the natives there are PITURI and NON-PITURI chewers.

This was almost, certainly, the PITURI plant, which the natives of the interior chew, and then bury in the sand, where the heat of the sun causes it to ferment; it is then chewed as an intoxicant, the natives carrying a plug behind their car in their hair. It is offered to a stranger as an especial compliment, and great is the affront if this toothsome morsel is declined.