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Late that afternoon two automobiles laden with humanity, male and female, drove past the Phipps' gate, and Primmie, from the window, announced that it was "Marietta and 'Phelia and the rest of 'em. My savin' soul, ain't they talkin' though! Cal'late the sperits 'll have busy times this evenin', don't you, Miss Martha?"

These were a few fragments which Cousin Gussie caught as they pushed their way to the gate. In one spot where a beam of light from the window faintly illuminated the wet, he glimpsed a flowered and fruited hat picturesquely draped over its wearer's ear while from beneath its lopsided elegance a tearful voice was heard hysterically demanding to be taken home. "Take me home, 'Phelia.

'Ludship' 'tis the cant of a pot house wench, 'is Ludship' to me, who has been consorting with Sister Agnes and Phelia and Drusah and the Mother Superior of the Ursuline. Wilt let me dress thee now?" "Nay, Janet, I will cleanse my face and hands, have my supper for I'm nearly famished, and jump into yonder bed that hath a lid " "Why, Lambkin, that is a tester, 'tis the first thou hast seen!

After 'Phelia comes back she's going to have a wedding-party and wear her real wedding-dress." Nora thought the doll beautiful. Hanny just lifted it out of the box and put it back. It seemed almost too sacred to touch. Jim went out presently to get some Christmas cake.

"I'm going through the kitchen, and going to put everything in order, once, Dinah; and then I'll expect you to keep it so." "Lor, now! Miss Phelia; dat ar an't no way for ladies to do.

"I ain't been sayin' much 'bout him one way or 'nother but I been doin' a heap o' steddyin'." "Yas, I knows all 'bout dat too," snapped Aunt Dilsey. "I got eyes in my haid. You los' yore taste fur dis yere big-talkin', fine-lookin' man jes ez soon ez he started sparkin' round dat tore-down limb of a 'Phelia Stubblefield.

Who, Primmie?" demanded Miss Phipps. "Stop flappin' your wings arms, I mean. Who's come back?" "The sperit folks. All hands of 'em, Marietta and 'Phelia Beebe and Abe Hardin' and Cap'n Jeth and all. And and they're comin' in here and here's Nelson right where Cap'n Jeth can catch him. Oh, my savin' soul!" From behind her agitated shoulder peered the countenance of Mr. Bloomer.

"We always have music, you know, to establish the the contact. Have somebody play the organ. 'Phelia, you play it; you know how." Miss Ophelia Beebe, sister of the village storekeeper, was a tall, angular woman garbed in black. Her facial expression was as mournful as her raiment. She rose with a rustle and moved toward the ancient melodeon. Lulie spoke hurriedly.

"I only just said there was a a I don't know what I said. Anyhow I never said it, 'twas my control talkin'. I'll leave it to 'Phelia Beebe. You know I don't know what I'm sayin' when I'm in the trance state, don't you, 'Phelia? Anyhow, all I said was.... Oh, 'Phelia," wildly, "why don't you help me out?... And and I've asked no less'n four mortal times for that drink of water. I I Oh, oh "

And with this strange light about us, the farewell recurs to me and I wonder that human beings could shut themselves from so beauteous a thing as Nature in their fear of contamination by sin!" "My Lambkin, 'they talk strongest who never felt temptation; thou art going into a world thou hast not seen, much less, felt its power. Sister Phelia is right.