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He would show Ziemianitch to the gentleman to prove there were no lies told. And he would show him drunk. His woman, it seems, ran away from him last night. "Such a hag she was! Thin! Pfui!" He spat. They were always running away from that driver of the devil and he sixty years old too; could never get used to it.

He had here drawn a fine program, and needlessly placarded it for the street populations: and afterwards there rose, as could not fail on their part, comparison between program and performance; scornful cry, chiefly from men of weak judgment, "Is this King an ANTI-Machiavel, then? Pfui!"

And then it was found, by and by, you owed many thousands more; and as you now knew you could not pay, it was as good as if the money had been stolen; not to reckon how the French vermin, Montholieu and partner, cheated you with their new loans. Pfui! All this that I was doing for aggrandizement of the House, the Army and Finances, could only be for you, if you made yourself worthy of it!

"PFUI! What indecency is this! ..." the majestic Emma Edwardovna was saying in the corridor, making an indignant face. "And eternally this Jennka! ... Always this Jennka! ... It seems my patience has already burst ..." But Jennka was nowhere neither in her room, nor in Tamara's. They looked into other chambers, in all the out-of-the-way corners ... But she did not prove to be even there.

I am your friend, now. By the way, as a proof of that assertion, let me tell you that the viscount is no more worthy of you than that ever-dreaming student. You think he adores you? pfui! only so far as you will aid the realization of his ambition. Besides, he is only an officer in our ranks; he is not unbridled, and at any moment he may be ordered away.

Therefore, I feel some small pique when, on the one occasion on which I stick strictly to the truth, I am accused of fraud. Pfui! say I; I refute you. "I deny the allegation, and I defy the alligator!" To prove my case, I shall take several examples from "Despoilers" and show that the statements made are perfectly valid.

There's not been a moment in the day when she hasn't spied on me, and followed me, and made me ridiculous. Over every trifle she has got up a fresh scene. She's even gone so far as to come to my room and search my pockets, when she knew I wasn't at home." "Yes, yes," sneered Krafft. "Exactly! And so, gentlemen he was now for slinking off without a word to her." "Oh, PFUI!" spat the American.

And besides that, just imagine, gnadige Frau, what a humiliating position to be the servant in a house! Always to depend on the caprice or the disposition of the spirits of the masters! And the master always pesters you with foolishness. Pfui! .. And the mistress is jealous, picks, and scolds."

When I was alone, I used to take it from its case and feast my eyes upon it. I made many attempts to get away, but the Prince would never let me go, though he had long since tired of me and I was merely one of his harem of women. Pfui!" She gave an exclamation of disgust. "It was the Crown Princess who eventually came to my rescue," she continued.

Niura snorts and adds through the laughter which suffocates her: "Warm your feet for a while!" But the front door opens; in it appears the formidable and stern figure of the senior housekeeper. "Pfui! What sort of indecency is this!" she cries commandingly. "How many times must it be repeated to you, that you must not jump out on the street during the day, and also pfui! only in your underwear.