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Go ahead and buy your oitermobile from Pfingst and I will agree that Potash & Perlmutter should endorse the note, y'understand, only one thing besides. Pfingst has got to guarantee to us Kleebaum's account of twenty-one hundred dollars." "I'm afraid he wouldn't do it, Abe," Morris said. "All right, then I wouldn't do it neither," Abe declared.

"With me I bet yer if I would ride in an oitermobile once, y'understand, the least that would happen to me is I should break my neck." "How could you break your neck in a brand new car like that Pfingst car downstairs?" Kleebaum insisted. "Never mind," Abe answered, "if things is going to turn out that way, Mr. Kleebaum, you could break your neck in a baby carriage yet."

"All I know about him is this, Abe," Klinger replied. "We drew on him two reports and both of 'em gives him fifty to seventy-five thousand credit good. He's engaged to be married to Miss Julia Pfingst, who is Joseph Pfingst's a daughter." "Joseph Pfingst," Abe repeated. "I don't know as I ever hear that name before."

"If that old walrus, Pfingst, has dared to send me flowers again!" she cried, pouncing on the card and holding it so they both could read it. Penciled in small, even lines were the words: Sorry to find the lady-bird flown. Will call up in the morning. Even in the dimly lighted hall, Quin could see the flush that suffused Eleanor's face. "It's Harold Phipps," she said, trying to be casual.

The page which contained the "Business Troubles" column was folded at the following news item: J. EDWARD KLEEBAUM, Minneapolis, Minn. The Wonder Cloak and Suit Store, J. Edward Kleebaum, Proprietor, was closed up by the sheriff under an execution in favor of Joseph Pfingst, who recovered a judgment yesterday in the Supreme Court for $5800, money loaned.

Pfingst that I am not coming to his party?" she asked, with the obvious intention of getting rid of him. "Why aren't you?" "Because I don't like him." "Neither do I. But what has that to do with it? Estelle Linton will take him off our hands." "I don't care for Miss Linton, either. If I had known " "Oh, come!

"Well, don't get mad about it, Potash," Kleebaum said. "Me, I don't get mad so easy," Abe declared. "Wouldn't you come downstairs to Hammersmith's and take a cup coffee or something?" Together they descended to the sidewalk where they were saluted by a tremendous chugging from the Pfingst roadster.

"Women ain't buying summer garments in cold weather just for the pleasure of seeing the goods delivered in an oitermobile, which reminds me, Mawruss: Did Pfingst deliver you his oitermobile yet?" Morris blushed. "It was delivered yesterday, Abe," he replied. "But the fact is, Abe, I kinder changed my mind about that oitermobile.

"It used to be Pfingst & Gusthaler," Klinger went on, "in the rubber goods business on Wooster Street. First they made it raincoats, and then they went into rubber boots, and just naturally they got into bicycle tires, and then comes the oitermobile craze, and Gusthaler dies, and so Pfingst sells oitermobile tires, and now he's in the oitermobile business."

"Bartlett versus Martel, eh?" "I suppose so. Heaven knows, I wish I were one thing or the other." "Oh, I don't know," said Quin. "You are pretty nice just as you are." Then he added inconsequently: "Who was that fat man you were talking to when I came up?" "Mr. Pfingst. He is Estelle Linton's backer." "Backer?" queried Quin. Then, when he saw Eleanor's eyes drop, he added vaguely: "Oh! I see!"