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"Let the beasts go. Sauve qui peut!" answered the Canadian. There was no time to stop and unload the poor brutes. To have done so would have afforded them a better chance of preserving their lives, though we must still lose our luggage. The word was given, the halters by which we had been dragging the animals on were cast off; and, putting spurs into the flanks of our steeds, we galloped forward.

Well, my Lord Callonby, you may be a very wise man in the House of Lords; but, I would just ask, is it exactly prudent to introduce into your family on terms of such perfect intimacy, a young, fascinating, well-looking fellow, of four-and-twenty, albeit only a subaltern, with two such daughters as you have? Peut etre!

I had not been presented myself; so turning about to her, he did it just as well, by asking her if she had come from Paris? No: she was going that route, she said. Vous n'etes pas de Londres? She was not, she replied. Then Madame must have come through Flanders. Apparemment vous etes Flammande? said the French captain. The lady answered, she was. Peut etre de Lisle? added he.

And, if he did that, of what consequence were the blemishes of his personal character? 'On peut apprendre de bonnes choses d'un scélérat.

Aussi suis-je heureux qu'il ait eu l'approbation d'un aussi bon juge que vous. 21 septembre. Depuis gue je vous al ecrit, j'ai lu le grand manifeste de M. Gladstone. De celui-la, on ne peut pas dire qu'il brille par la moderation. Il y a des phrases redoutables et effrayantes a l'adresse de la richesse et de la propriete, base de la societe.

"But it's insulting to him! Et puis c'est ridicule." "And to me it's both insulting and distressing! And I'm not at fault in any way, and there's no need for me to suffer." "Well, this I didn't expect of you! On peut être jaloux, mais

But I was there, thank God; and he was so surprised and rejoiced when he greeted me that his whole face was illuminated. But he only said, "Thank you. Bon sang ne peut mentir." We had twenty-four hours to take comfort and counsel together. It was well that I was with him. Everybody called, and everybody regretted, except our Consul- General, who cut us.

But now he was grateful for that: he was thankful that he had lived just long enough to see the sunset, just long enough to take part in that last glorious charge in obedience to Wellington's inspiring command: "Up, guards, and at them!" he was glad to have lived just long enough to hear the "Sauve qui peut!" to know that the Grand Army was in full retreat, that Blücher had come up in time, that British pluck and British endurance had won the greatest victory of all times for Britain's flag and her national existence.

Second Rainy Season ends Scarcity and Dearness of Provisions Meshisha and Comfou plot their Escape They succeed Theodore is robbed Damash pursues the Fugitives The Night Attack The Galla War-cry and the "Sauve qui peut" The wounded left on the Field Hospitality of the Gallas Theodore's Letter on the Subject Mastiate's Troubles Wakshum Gabra Medhin Sketch of Gobaze's Career He invites the Co-operation of the Bishop in seizing Magdala The Bishop's Plan All the rival Chiefs intrigue for the Amba Mr.

And in April befell the battle of Culloden and far-resounding ruin. The green May rolled around and below the Highland shelter where Ian lay, fugitive, like thousands of others, after Culloden. The Prince had stayed to give an order to his broken army. Sauve qui peut! Then he, too, became a fugitive, passing from one fastness to another of these glens and the mountains that overtowered them.