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What a merciful Deity it is, to make such an arrangement! and the excellent fathers! when all the children meet them I wonder what they will have to say to each other I wonder . . ." A frightful shudder convulsed his body and he threw up his arms. "'Un peu d'amour, Et puis bon soir! C'est ca! Bon soir, Marquis!"

She treated the subject with reserve; but it was evident she disapproved Lady Louisa's choice. She spoke in terms of the highest esteem of Lord Orville, calling him, in Marmontel's words, "Un jeune homme comme il y en a peu." I did not think this conversation very agreeably interrupted by the entrance of Mr. Lovel. Indeed I am heartily sorry he is now at the Hot Wells.

He scented his linen and person with peculiar richness this day; and what must have been the valet's astonishment, when, after some blushing and hesitation on Harry's part, the young gentleman asked, "I say, Anatole, when I engaged you, didn't you hem didn't you say that you could dress hem dress hair?" The valet said, "Yes, he could." "Cherchy alors une paire de tongs, et curly moi un peu," Mr.

Ces tristesses sont dues a la pensee que je fais si peu, et que, avec plus de forces je ferais tant et si bien! Avec la force je serais sur maintenant de reussir pleinement. Je tiens la reputation par un petit bout, mais je la tiens, et elle augmentera. Tout me prouve que notre avenir serait assure si j'avais autant de force que de volonte." "Dimanche.

It was as though time were being allowed for the giving and receiving of a few of those thirty kisses. Then the voice sang on: "Le lendemain Phillis peu sage Aurait donne moutons et chien Pour un baiser que le volage A Lisette donnait pour rien." The last note died away into an uninterrupted silence. "Are you better?" Denis whispered. "Are you comfortable like this?"

Before the week was over, Jacopo Andrea and his friends had succeeded in obtaining the capitulation of the French garrison, and the Castello was occupied by Cardinal Ascanio, whom Lodovico left with a small force at Milan, while he himself went on to Pavia. It was on one of the few days which he spent in Milan that his meeting with the Chevalier Bayard took place, as recorded in the joyous chronicle of the loyal servant. After a skirmish with some of Messer Galeazzo's horse at Binasco, the young French knight who had been too eager in the pursuit of his foes was taken prisoner, and brought before the duke at Milan. Lodovico, wondering at his youth, asked him what brought him in such hurried guise to Milan, and ended by restoring his sword and horse, and sending him back to his friends under the escort of a herald, to tell Ligny of the courteous treatment which he had received from the Moro, and to say what a gallant gentleman Duke Lodovico was "qui pour peu de chose n'est pas aisé

Yet gallant travellers write that the Hollanders are a sleepy people, and that their domestic happiness is "un bonheur un peu gros."

Tolstoi has been hardly treated by some translators and by many critics; in his own country, if you mention his name, you are as likely as not to be met by a shrug and an "Ah, monsieur, il divague un peu!" In his own country he has the censor always against him; some of his books he has never been able to print in full in Russian.

"Un peu, mademoiselle," said Adèle, and the door opened. The dreaded form of Miss Euston entered the room. "Dis is de yong Ma'm'sel Rougeant," said the French lady, introducing Adèle to the newly-arrived lady.

As soon as we were alone he began to exhibit signs of acute mental distress, and to my astonishment burst out, 'Mrs. Warrington, there is something I wanted to er ask you. You are a woman for whom I have a profound respect; though you are inclined by character to be un peu moqueuse, you have, I feel, an exceedingly tender heart. I felt uneasy.