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Tatham, this ev’nin’, an’t you?’ is the only notice he deigns to take, after the lapse of five minutes or so. ‘Yes, I am indeed, Mr. Henry; now, do serve me next, there’s a good creetur. I wouldn’t worry you, only it’s all along o’ them botherin’ children.’ ‘What have you got here?’ inquires the shopman, unpinning the bundle‘old concern, I supposepair o’ stays and a petticut.

Look, Assy, my deear there's t' lil rawb, wi' t' lil slaves, so pretty an' t' flanny petticut an' t' lil vasst see. 'Tis t' lil things I maade fer 'ee afore tha was born." But Essy pushed them from her. She was weeping violently now. "Taake 'em away!" she cried. "I doan' want t' look at 'em." Mrs. Gale sat and stared at her. "Coom," she said, "tha moos'n' taake it saw 'ard, like."

This here petticut, 't ain't what ye'd call bran' new, but it's warm and comf'table, an' I don't believe she's got much of anythin' on 'ceptin' her dress, an' I'll git ye the whisky, but" here she looked deprecatingly at John "it ain't gen'ally known 't we keep the stuff in the house. I don't know as it's right, but though David don't hardly ever touch it he will have it in the house."

No, no; it an’t the petticut; it’s a child’s frock and a beautiful silk ankecher, as belongs to my husband. He gave four shillin’ for it, the werry same blessed day as he broke his arm.’—‘What do you want upon these?’ inquires Mr.

She had on a short petticut, comin' half-way down to her knees, and a necklace, and a ring through her nose. And " "Where were her other clothes?" asked the child. "Wal maybe she kem off in a hurry and forgot 'em!" said the Captain, charitably. "Anyhow, not speakin' her language, I didn't ask her. And she was as black as the ace of spades, and shinin' all over with butter."

"Hand me that striped petticut!" roared the Gunner, pointing to the tricolour lying entangled in the ruins of the privateer's main-top on the deck of the sloop. "I want to blow me nose." He leaped on to the bulwark, flag in hand; and staying himself by the shroud, blew his nose boisterously on the enemy's colours. The crew, busy clearing the wreckage of the mizzen, roared delight.

An' so far as my own line goes, if Missis Walden, bless 'er, comes round me talkin' about the rectory garden, which is to be kep' up just the same as ever, an' fusses like over the lilac bush what he broke a piece off of for her, well! I DID say I'd never 'ave a petticut round MY work but a pretty petticut's worth looking at, it is reely now!"

"It's a pity he couldn't stay!" she murmured, dolefully; "There's a lace petticut which must be worth a fortune! I'd have liked 'im to see it!" But Walden was beyond recall.

A petticut at 'ome's enough, an' I ain't complainin' on it, though it's a bit breezy sometimes, but a petticut in the gard'nin' line would drive me main wild it would reely now!"

"I have something to say to you besides 'Merry Christmas, but I must wait till another time." When John got back to the office David had just preceded him. "Wa'al, wa'al," he was saying, "but you be in a putty consid'able state. Hullo, John! what you got there? Wa'al, you air the stuff! Slips, blanket-shawl, petticut, stockin's wa'al, you an' Polly ben puttin' your heads together, I guess.