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I can climb any tree in Deacon Meakin's woods. I I can climb all the trees in Sq-Sq-Squ-Squire Petti john's woods, top the mountain. I can climb any tree in the whole w-w-world! I c-c-co-could climb the church steeple!" Katharine listened to this boastful statement with interest. She not only believed it, but had observed that as Montgomery neared his climax his stammering became less pronounced.

Do you think that you are the only person who wants to see His Majesty's Minister? Here is a courier come to-day from His Grace the Duke of Grafton, and to-morrow there will be a score, and a king's messenger from His Majesty among them and all this trouble is given by a miserable, little, paltry, petti Begone, sir, before I say too much! he continued trembling with anger.

I'm goin' to be a big man and and do things," he observed, after a prolonged meditation. "How big? What things?" "Oh! Big as they g-g-grow. Big as the postmaster. B-b-big as Sq-Sq-Squ-Squire Petti john. I'm goin' to be either a s-s-sailor, or maybe P-P-Pr-President." "If you're President you'll be a a, what is it they call them? Politicalers, I guess," returned the girl.

I crossed it, and was advancing along the road which led apparently to the south-east, when I came to a company of people who seemed to be loitering about. It consisted entirely of young men and women, the former with crimson favours, the latter in the garb of old Wales, blue tunics and sharp crowned hats. Going up to one of the young women, I said, "Petti yw? what's the matter!"

Essi partono verso il fronte, per difendere cogli eroici soldati d'Italia e di Francia il conteso e sacro suolo della patria, per combattere la barbaria tedesca, che tenta invano di avanzare contro il baluardo offerto dai petti dei soldati di tre nazioni. Vi invitiamo ad accorrere ed a portare il vostro saluto ai fedeli e valorosi Alleati.