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They give us information as to how the War is progressing we get none here, the rank and file, that is; they serve to pass the time; and they afford us topics for conversation. For instance, they enable us to follow and discuss the trend of home politics. And in this connection, I think it is time you were introduced to Captain Achille Petitpois.

"What bird? The grouse?" "Oh, dry up, Wagger!" interposed Blaikie. "He means, Petitpois, that the Government, knowing that the electorate would begin to grow impatient if the War did not immediately take a favourable turn " Achille smiled. "I see now," he said. "Proceed, Ouagstaffe, my old!"

"I may be wrong," admitted Wagstaffe handsomely, "but that's my reading of the situation. At any rate, Achille, you will admit that my theory squares with the known facts of the case." Petitpois bowed politely. "Perhaps it is I who am wrong, my dear Ouagger. There is such a difference of point of view between your politics and ours." The deep voice of Captain Blaikie broke in.

"Who are these assassins these imbeciles these crétins," inquired Petitpois, "who would endanger the ship of the State?" "Nobody knows!" replied Wagstaffe solemnly. "They are children of mystery. Before the War, nobody had ever heard of them. They " "But they should be shot!" explained that free-born Republican, Petitpois. "Not a bit, old son!

They did the thing in style; spared no expense; and got a comic newspaper proprietor to write the troupe up, and themselves down. The scheme worked beautifully what you would call a succès fou, Achille." "I am desolated, my good Ouagstaffe," observed Petitpois after a pregnant silence; "but I cannot believe all you say."