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But where else than here, sir" the dogskin glove lay upon the breast of the chocolate brown frock coat "where else than here will you find a prophet who hides his identity beneath an alias, who remains, as Madame always says, perdew, and who conducts his profession on honourable and business-like lines? Am I dressed like a prophet?"

He was ableejd, then, as the French say, to lie perdew, going out at night, like a howl out of a hivy-bush, and returning in the daytime to his roast.

With the sudden energy of a man who is reckless of fate he seized his goblet, poured into it at least a shilling's worth of "creaming foam," drained it to the dregs and, shaking back his matted hair with a leonine movement of the head, exclaimed, "Malkiel the First, who founded the Almanac, lay perdew all his life."

"'A mere baggytell, says I. 'In fommer days I WAS equainted with that young woman; but haltered suckmstancies have sepparated us for hever, and mong cure is irratreevably perdew elsewhere. "'Do tell me all about it. Who is it? When was it? We are all dying to know."

"Very well Crampton St. Peteren, totally and entirely unnecessary?" "You desire my revelation, sir? You desire to enter into the bosom of a family that hitherto has dwelt apart, has lain as I may say perdew beside the secret waters of the River Mouse? Is it indeed so?" "Oh, I beg your pardon," cried the Prophet, hastily. "I would not for the world intrude upon " "Those hallowed precincts!