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It is in this house, of two stories only, that an illustrious wine-shop had been merrily installed three hundred years before. This tavern created a joyous noise in the very spot which old Theophilus described in the following couplet: La branle le squelette horrible D'un pauvre amant qui se pendit. The situation was good, and tavern-keepers succeeded each other there, from father to son.

Ainsi dans son premier livre, qui traite de Jérusalem, il vous parlera de la colonne Jésus fut flagellé, de la lance qui lui perça le coté, de son suaire, d'une pierre sur laquelle il pria et qui porte l'empreinte de ses genoux, d'une autre pierre sur laquelle il étoit quand il monta au ciel, et qui porte l'empreinte de ses pieds, d'un linge tissu par la Vierge et qui le représente: du figuier se pendit Judas; enfin de la pierre sur laquelle expira saint Etienne, etc etc.

Another much-employed metre was this, of the hundred and thirty-third psalm: "Asais aux bors do ce superbe fleuve Que de Babel les campagnes abreuve, Nos tristes coeurs ne pensoient qu' a Sion. Chacun, helas, dans cette affliction Les yeux en pleurs la morte peinte au visage Pendit sa harpe aux saules du rivage." A third and favorite metre was this:

They died because it seemed so tedious and so superfluous to be seeing and doing and saying the same things over and over again; and because they had exhausted the very possibility of the only pleasures of which they had left themselves capable. The satirical epigram of Destouches, "Ci-gît Jean Rosbif, écuyer, Qui se pendit pour se désennuyer,"