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"'Monsieur, vous avez un fils qui fait de la peinture. "'Oui, monsieur. "'Il a du merite. Il a beaucoup d'avenir. "'Ah, said I, 'c'est une belle chose que l'avenir. "The elderly French gentleman rolled up the whites of his eyes and answered: "'Oui, c'est une belle chose; mais vous et moi, nous n'en avons pas beaucoup! "Superfluous information!

And 'a propos' of the latter, I shall point out a book, which I believe will give you some pleasure; at least it gave me a great deal. I never read it before. It is 'Reflexions sur la Poesie et la Peinture, par l'Abbee de Bos', in two octavo volumes; and is, I suppose, to be had at every great town in France. The criticisms and the reflections are just and lively.

What wonder, then, that the one able and strong-willed man led the helpless many and re-moulded Sieyès' constitution in a fashion that was thus happily parodied: "J'ai, pour les fous, d'un Tribunat Conservé la figure; Pour les sots je laisse un Sénat, Mais ce n'est qu'en peinture; A ce stupide magistrat Ma volonté préside; Et tout le Conseil d'Etat Dans mon sabre réside."

It does not matter how badly you paint, so long as you don't paint badly like other people. Education destroys individuality. That great studio of Julien's is a sphinx, and all the poor folk that go there for artistic education are devoured. After two years they all paint and draw alike, every one; that vile execution, they call it execution, la pâte, la peinture au premier coup.

Ce que j'ai toujours desire faire c'est de la peinture; mes efforts dans cette direction n'ont pas abouti jusqu'a present, mais si j'avais un peu de temps libre, je saurais mieux faire a cause de mon experience de critique; je vois maintenant dans quel sens il faut travailler. "Je vis a Londres aussi simplement que possible et pourtant mes sejours y sont tres couteux.

His apologist, M. Besson, at any rate, has no patience with those who would set artists in the way they should go. In this essay he gives them a piece of his mind, and he does it so well and so gaily that it is a pleasure to be scolded. First, he has a few words with "une dame, que Gérome fit héritière de ses uniformes et qui devint la muse d'un géomètre-arpenteur de certaine récente peinture."

"That was a delicious creature that sat by me last night." "Miss Penfold? She is one of your devotees." "She paints, so she said. Mon Dieu! Why do women paint?" Victoria, roused, hotly defended the right of her sex to ply any honest art in the world that might bring them either pleasure or money. "Mais la peinture!" Delorme's shoulder shrugged still higher.

But he could see, when once Réveillaud had pointed it out to him, that they were the stuff that counted. In the train going into Germany he thought of certain things that Réveillaud had said: "Nous avons trempé la poésie dans la peinture et la musique. Il faut la délivrer par la sculpture.

It is practised in all the French studios, where it is known as la peinture au premier coup. A clever young man, a man of talent, labours at art in the manner I have described from eight to ten hours a day, and at the end of six or seven years his education is completed.

Ricordi politici e civili, No. 118, Op. Ined. vol. i. See De Stendhal, Histoire de la peinture en Italie, pp. 285-91, for a curious catalogue of examples. The modern sense of honor is based, no doubt, to some extent on a delicate amour propre, which makes a man desirous of winning the esteem of his neighbors for its own sake.