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Charley Bates objected, naturally, as might have been imagined from the position he took at first. He objected not only to the visitors being asked to join our scratch team and represent the Little Peddlingtonians, but also specially just because John Hardy mentioned his name, and for no other earthly reason to the fact of young Black's being selected from the junior eleven.

They hadn't been in a quarter of an hour when they passed our miserable total, amidst the cheers of their own party in which the fickle Little Peddlingtonians now joined, and the blue looks of our men and it appeared as if their scoring would, like Tennyson's brook, "go on for ever."

We had finished our second innings just before lunch time; so immediately after that meal the great travelling team, who were going to do such wonders when they came to annihilate the Little Peddlingtonians I can't help crowing a little now it is all over went to the wickets to finish the match, or spin it out, if they could, so that it might end in a draw.

But they reckoned without their host when they tackled the Little Peddlingtonians, as you will see. We fellows who formed the Little Peddlington Cricket Club were for the most part studying there under a noted tutor, who prepared us for the army, Woolwich, or India; but we admitted a few of the townspeople.