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Thence all of us to the Pay-house; but the books not being ready, we went to church to the lecture, where there was my Lord Ormond and Manchester, and much London company, though not so much as I expected. Here we had a very good sermon upon this text: "In love serving one another;" which pleased me very well. No news of the Queen at all. So to dinner; and then to the Pay all the afternoon.

The Doctor and I begun philosophy discourse exceeding pleasant. Sir W. Pen much troubled upon letters came last night. Showed me one of Dr. Owen's By coach to the Pay-house, and so to work again, and then to dinner, and to it again, and so in the evening to the yard, and supper and bed. 29th.

The ferry at Earley was an old-fashioned affair, sloping over the muddy shore to a little white pay-house with a clanky turnpike on either side. Once past these turnpikes, the visitor found himself in the midst of things with delightful suddenness. A wide green stretch of grass lay along the river bank, bordered by shady trees.

Thence all of us to the Pay-house; but the books not being ready, we went to church to the lecture, where there was my Lord Ormond and Manchester, and much London company, though not so much as I expected. Here we had a very good sermon upon this text: "In love serving one another;" which pleased me very well. No news of the Queen at all. So to dinner; and then to the Pay all the afternoon.

"Aye, he's in the pay-house safe enough," shouted another a man. "An' if them as is defendin' of 'un won't give 'un up, there's ways o' makin' them." The procession of the dead approached all the men baring their heads, and the women wailing. In front came a piteous group a young half-fainting wife, supported by an older woman, with children clinging to her skirts.

All of us to the Pay-house; but the books not being ready, we went to church to the lecture, where there was my Lord Ormond and Manchester, and much London company, though not so much as I expected. Here we had a very good sermon upon this text: "In love serving one another;" which pleased me very well. No news of the Queene at all. So to dinner; and then to the Pay all the afternoon.

The Doctor and I begun philosophy discourse exceeding pleasant. Sir W. Pen much troubled upon letters came last night. Showed me one of Dr. Owen's By coach to the Pay-house, and so to work again, and then to dinner, and to it again, and so in the evening to the yard, and supper and bed. 29th.