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It was no uncommon sight to see in the parlors in the evening John Pierpont Morgan, Norvin Green, Grosvenor P. Lowrey, Henry Villard, Robert L. Cutting, Edward D. Adams, J. Hood Wright, E. G. Fabbri, R. M. Galloway, and other men prominent in city life, many of them stock-holders and directors; all interested in doing this educational work.

"I shall not like it, if you don't come to my party," said Pauline slowly; and as she spoke she took one of the orphan's hands. "You are very kind, Pauline; but I do not wish to see strangers." "But you never will know anybody if you make such a nun of yourself. Uncle Guy, tell her she must come down into the parlors to-night." "Not unless she wishes to do so.

And she added in a moved voice, as if seeking to explain herself: "Well, think of the hard life he has down there, Cally, no pleasure, no fun, no companionship.... And this is the first notice of any kind ..." The meeting was over. The crowded parlors were in a hubbub. Colored servants entered, taking away the camp-chairs. A general drift toward the platform was in evidence.

Drenched and draggled people perambulated Pennsylvania Avenue and the adjacent streets, while occasional memories of the war would be revived as a well-equipped regiment or company with its full brass band would march past to its quarters. The hotels were emphatically full, and the last comers were glad to be able to secure one of the hundreds of cots made up in the parlors.

"We always sit in the other room, because it is so much more sunshiny and cozy than these big parlors; and it would seem deserted without the piano there, especially in the evenings." "Reasons very good and accepted," assented Ralph.

After breakfast the dentist immediately betook himself to his "Parlors" to meet his early morning appointments those made with the clerks and shop girls who stopped in for half an hour on their way to their work.

The plan provides for four buildings; the main or central one, where the family life will be carried on, connected by corridors with the smaller French and German Halls, and containing, not only parlors, school offices, dining-rooms, and suites for teachers and pupils; but a beautiful library, a spacious reading-room, and upon its third floor, commodious music-rooms shut off from each other and the corridors by walls and doors of such construction that sound cannot pass through.

When the second week began, Alan was on his own, and he began to frequent Class C places near the A parlors Hawkes used. But when he asked Hawkes whether he should take out a Free Status registration, the gambler replied with a quick, snappish, "Not yet." "But why? I'm a professional gambler, since last week. Why shouldn't I register?" "Because you don't need to. It's not required."

At last the shades of night began to add their gloom to this awful scene, and even the most bitter enemies of the king did not think it safe to leave forty thousand men, inflamed with intoxication and rage, to riot, through the hours of the night, in the parlors, halls, and chambers of the Tuileries.

Yet the space required is not very great; three fair-sized rooms will hold everything; and there is sometimes a fierce satisfaction in seeing how closely the things that once stood largely about, and seemed to fill ample parlors and chambers, can be packed away.