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At Painsec Junction we waited for the train from Halifax, and immediately found ourselves in the whirl of intercolonial travel.

At Painsec Junction we waited for the train from Halifax, and immediately found ourselves in the whirl of intercolonial travel.

With what might in strict art be called an excess of expletives, he explained that he was a civil engineer, that he had lost his rubber coat, that he was a great traveler in the Provinces, and he seemed to find a humorous satisfaction in reiterating the fact of his familiarity with Painsec junction.

With what might in strict art be called an excess of expletives, he explained that he was a civil engineer, that he had lost his rubber coat, that he was a great traveler in the Provinces, and he seemed to find a humorous satisfaction in reiterating the fact of his familiarity with Painsec junction.

At Painsec Junction we waited for the train from Halifax, and immediately found ourselves in the whirl of intercolonial travel.

With what might in strict art be called an excess of expletives, he explained that he was a civil engineer, that he had lost his rubber coat, that he was a great traveler in the Provinces, and he seemed to find a humorous satisfaction in reiterating the fact of his familiarity with Painsec junction.