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So when the Colonel p'ints for the Concha, Jerry sa'nters along after, figgerin', mighty likely, as how he'll pass the hour a-watchin' the Colonel swim. "I'm busy on flapjacks at the time which flapjacks is shore good food an' I don't observe nothln' of Jerry nor the Colonel neither. They's away half an hour when I overhears ejac'lations, though I can't make out no words.

"'Doby's disgusted with Willyum's herdin' 'round with Billy that a- way, bein' sociable an' visitin' of him, an' he lays for Willyum an' wallops him. When Billy learns of it which he does from Willyum himse'f when that infant p'ints in for a visit the day after he's as wild as a mountain lion.

An', well I hates t' say it, but well, they called her 'Walrus Liz. No; she wasn't handsome, she didn't have no good looks; but once you got a look into whichever one o' them cross-eyes you was able to cotch, you seen a deal more'n your own face; an' she was well-muscled, an' I 'low I'm goin' t' tell you so, for I wants t' name her good p'ints so well as her bad. Whatever

As they trails by, Willyum sees Billy Willyum can make a small bluff at talkin' by now an', p'intin' his finger at Billy, he sags back on his mother's dress like he aims to halt her, an' says: "'Pop-pa! Pop-pa! meanin' Billy that a-way; although the same is erroneous entire, as every gent in Wolfville knows. "'Which if Willyum's forefinger he p'ints with

I've bin achin' to bust him up for a long time, but I've never bin able to git the p'ints on him that'd satisfy the General or the Provo. I'll jest go down and clean out his shebang and run him out o' town, and finish the job up while the General and the Provo's over in Louisville. It'll all be cleaned up before they git back, and they needn't know a word of it.

"Where away?" bawled Captain Rogers, who seemed tireless himself and expected every man and boy aboard to catch the inspiration of a sight that had now become terribly commonplace to us a spouting cachelot. "Two p'ints on yer weather bow, sir." The captain started up the rigging and in a moment the lookout repeated: "Thar she blo-o-ows!" "I see her!" bawled the captain.

And then I give her a few p'ints as to what her brother had done, heaving in some personal flatteries every once in a while for good measure. I'd about got to thirdly when James give a screech and p'inted. And, if there wa'n't Lonesome in the launch, headed right for us, and coming a-b'iling! He'd run her along abreast of the beach and turned in at the upper end of the Cut-Through.

"It comes, then, that one mornin' Dave an' me an' these yere aliens lines out for the hills. They've got ponies, an' wagons, an' camp- outfit to that extent a casooal onlooker might think they aims to be away for years. "As we p'ints out from the O.K. House, where them Britons has been wrastlin' their chuck pendin' the start, Tucson Jennie is thar sayin' 'goodby' to Dave.

'Them little fellers hev got a good compass, said Uncle Eb, as we followed the line of the bees. 'It p'ints home ev'ry time, an' never makes a mistake. We went further this time before releasing another. He showed us that we had borne out of our course a little and as we turned to follow there were half a dozen bees flying around the box, as if begging for admission.

"Thar's two p'ints on the road to be looked to: the woods beyond the blacksmith's shop that uster be; the fringe of alder and buckeye by the crossing below your house p'ints where they kin fetch you without a show. Thar's two ways o' meetin' them thar. One way ez to pull up and trust to luck and brag. The other way is to whip up and yell, and send the whole six kiting by like h-ll!"