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First the over-alls performed wildly, then the white stockings responded with vim, while the red ones outdid themselves by their shocking abandonment, vaunting skyward as though impelled by the phantom limbs of some Parisian danseuse.

He was evidently one of the French officers assigned to teach the Americans in the trenches. In his own tongue the man replied to his superior. He drew from one of the empty bunks two bulky bundles. The major shook them out and they proved to be two suits of rubber over-alls and boots together a garment to be drawn on from the feet and fastened with buckled straps over the shoulders.

I volunteer as a patroness here and now. John, you can be a judge of the course, or something. Miguel, what is the occasion of your fiesta?" "At a period in the world's history, Mrs. Parker, when butter is a dollar a pound and blue-denim over-alls sell freely for three dollars a pair, I think we ought to do something to dissipate the general gloom.

"Yes, sir, this is Dallas Lore Sharp, but these are not his over-alls not yet; for they have never been washed and are about three sizes too large for him." He looked at me, a little undone, I thought, disappointed, maybe, and a bit embarrassed at having been betrayed by overalls and rolled-up sleeves and shovels. He had not expected the overalls, not new ones, anyhow.

Manuel and Joseph were barefooted as usual, and in over-alls as usual, but their lack of gala attire was made up for by Rosa's. No wax doll was ever more daintily and lacily dressed. Georgina looked at her in surprise, wishing Tippy could see her now. Rosa in her white dress and slippers and with her face clean, was a little beauty. Mrs. Fayal made a delightful chaperon.

Straw Hat, Sandy Beard, and Over-alls, come forward, receive and receipt for sixty cents each. Their wrath was appeased, their wounded feelings soothed, their valor satisfied, one dollar and eighty cents for the bunch.

Straw Hat takes the stand and testifies he is an unusually timid man, and was most frightened to death. Sandy Beard's testimony is both graphic and corroborative. The witness in over-alls, with some embellishments of his own, supports Sandy Beard. The row of bricks is complete. The court removes a prop by remarking that the ordinance speed has not been exceeded. The bricks totter.

The scene shifts to a dingy little room in the basement of the court-house; present, Straw Hat and Sandy Beard, with populace. To corroborate wise precaution on the part of a lawyer in his own court their story, they bring along a volunteer witness in over-alls, the three making a trio hard to beat.

During his absence I commenced a serious inspection of self to find if possible what had attracted his attention so pointedly towards my toes, when I observed the cause to be the silver chain of my over-alls peeping out from under my great-coat; which, no doubt, was the reason of having received a favourable answer; for on his re-entrance he asked me to sit down and I finally engaged a room.

Picket-boat alongside at three-thirty for officers." A head emerged from the hood of the after turret. The Gunnery Lieutenant, wearing over-alls, a streak of dirt running diagonally down one cheek, emerged and drew off a greasy glove to wipe his face. "Did I hear you say anything about a seven-bell boat?" The Officer of the Watch nodded. "There's leave from three-thirty to seven p.m.