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"Here are my letters, dear people," she said. "And don't forget the boots, please; they are very important." "May one inquire what boots?" asked Mr. Merryweather. "I really have no idea!" replied his wife. "Somebody said at breakfast that you must be sure to remember the boots, and dwelt on their importance; therefore I mention them." "Ou avez-vous procure ce chapeau?" inquired Gerald, politely.

"You never saw me before." "Yes, I have too," she persisted. "You's a-hangin' in a gold frame over ou' mantel." Just then a clear, high voice was heard calling out in the road. The child started up in alarm. "Oh, deah," she exclaimed in dismay, at sight of the stains on her white dress, where she had been kneeling on the fruit, "that's Mom Beck.

I tried lots of girls when I was at St. Ursula's and nothing ever came of it. Thank you for the idea all the same. By the way, I first must sterilise the pontifical She paused. 'The what? 'That is my secret! Don't you see how safe it is? None but the lover shall have his and her fate in his hands. C'est a prendre ou a laisser. Merton was young and adventurous.

"'Ou! said the men, 'ou! Koos! "But after that those men looked upon me with awe as being almost more than mortal. No mere man, they said, could have slain those three elephants alone in the night-time. I never had any further trouble with them. I believe that if I had told them to jump over a precipice and that they would take no harm, they would have believed me.

"Les manieres que l'on neglige comme de petites choses, sont souvent ce qui fait que les hommes decident de vous en bien ou en mal." I had long since, when I was at the University, been introduced to Lord Chester; but I had quite forgotten his person, and he the very circumstance.

At the outset he says and as the point is important we quote from the original "Pour la physique inorganique nous voyons d'abord, en nous conformant toujours a l'ordre de généralité et de dépendance des phénomènes, qu'elle doit être partagée en deux sections distinctes, suivant qu'elle considère les phénomènes généraux de l'univers, ou, en particulier, ceux que présentent les corps terrestres.

Force being almost inapplicable, they try to work on his passions and feelings, by such expedients as altering the nature of his food or withholding it altogether for a time. Ou such occasions the demeanour of the creature will sometimes evince a sense of humiliation as well as of discontent.

I said, Come in; I will go up with thee. She pushed me aside, and, with staring eyes, cried, 'Ou est l'escalier? As we went through the coffee-room, the loungers looked at her with surprise. She followed me without more words, ran by me on the stairs, and in a moment beat fiercely on the door, crying, 'Ouvrez! open! quick! Then there was that madhouse scene."

They soon got introductions, through the Abbe Morellet, into that best circle of society, 'which was composed of all that remained of the ancient men of letters, and of the most valuable of the nobility; not of those who had accepted of places from Buonaparte, nor yet of those emigrants who have been wittily and too justly described as returning to France after the Revolution, sans avoir rien appris, ou rien oublie. . . . 'We felt, Maria writes, 'the characteristic charms of Parisian conversation, the polish and ease which in its best days distinguished it from that of any other capital.

'I mean Miss Bradwardine, said Edward. 'Ou aye, the laird's daughter, said his landlady. 'She was a very bonny lassie, poor thing, but far shyer than Lady Flora. 'Where is she, for God's sake? 'Ou, wha kens where ony o' them is now?