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With regard to the possibly repellent impression derived from the notion of an unconscious thought activity of the myth forming phantasy, I should like to close with these words of Karl Otfried Müller: “It is possible that the concept of unconsciousness in the formation of myths will appear obscure to many, even mysterious ... but is history not to acknowledge the strange also, when unprejudiced investigation leads to it?”

Max Muller goes on citing, as I also do, Otfried Muller: 'Otfried Muller in 1825 treated the same myth without availing himself of the light now to be derived from the Cahrocs and the Kamilarois. Thus it is acknowledged that Artemis, under her name of Callisto, was changed into a she-bear, and had issue, Arkas whence the Arcadians. Mr.

Our author writes, 'we are told that Artemis's most ancient history is to be studied in Arkadia. My words are, 'The Attic and Arcadian legends of Artemis are confessedly among the oldest. Why should 'Attic' and the qualifying phrase be omitted? Otfried Muller Mr.

These poems the author published in 1865, but the lectures in which they were produced he committed to the flames. They had, in his opinion, lost their value through the subsequent publication of the works on the history of Greek literature by Bode, Ulrici, Otfried Müller, and Mure. In prose his pen was exceedingly active.

Much has been accomplished, chiefly of late years; and, confining our view to ancient history, almost exclusively amongst the Germans by the Savignys, the Niebuhrs, the Otfried Muellers. And, if that much has left still more to do, it has also brought the means of working upon a scale of far accelerated speed.

Lobeck, in his "Aglaophamus," expressly repels all such notions; 2. Otfried Mueller, in the twelfth chapter, twenty-fourth section, of his "Introduction to a System of Mythology," says: "I have here gone on the assumption which I consider unavoidable, that there was no regular instruction, no dogmatical communication, connected with the Grecian worship in general.