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Imry, Ory, Ickery, Ann, Quevy, Quavy, Irish Navy, Filleson, Folleson, Nicholas Buck! That's me. I'm it!" He rapidly repeated the magic formula, and pronounced Gid Mackall "it." "He didn't count fair! He didn't count fair! He never counts fair," protested the others; but Si hustled them into the cars and the train started. It had grown quite dark.

The French amour propre was a little stung when it was made known that Rossini had simply modified and reshaped one of his early and immature productions as his first attempt at composition in French opera. His other works for the French stage were "Il Viaggio a Rheims," "Le Comte Ory," and "Guillaume Tell."

Rossini wrote for Paris only two new operas, "Le Comte Ory" and "William Tell," the latter his masterpiece in the serious style. The libretto was first prepared by M. Jouy, but it was so bad that M. Bis was called in, and to him is due the whole of the second act. Even after the two authors had changed and revised it, Rossini had to alter it in many places.

A number of works, by Ory, Luro, Laudes, and Sylvestre, on the village community in Annam, proving that it has had there the same forms as in Germany or Russia, is mentioned in a review of these works by Jobbe-Duval, in Nouvelle Revue historique de droit francais et etranger, October and December, 1896. Kovalevsky, Modern Custom and Ancient Law, i. 115.

The Parisians are, I find, as addicted to staring as the English; for many were the glasses levelled last night at Sir Francis Burdett who, totally unconscious of the attention he excited, was wholly engrossed by the "Count Ory," some of the choruses in which pleased me very much. A visit to-day from our excellent and valued friend, Sir A. Barnard, who has promised to dine with us to-morrow.

All Europe applauded him, but at Paris he had to face the fire of pamphleteers rendered furious by his fame. The government finally forced the Opera to mount Le Siege de Corinthe. The maestro gave at the Opera Moise, March 26, 1826; Le Comte Ory, August 20, 1828; Guillaume Tell, August 20, 1829.

Yesterday evening two battalions of troops carried the Ory Farm and Plichon House, near Fort Montrouge, at the point of the bayonet. The Federalists had about 400 killed and wounded, and lost 42 prisoners, including a Chief of Battalion. The troops also captured a flag, but subsequently evacuated the conquered positions, as they were too much exposed to the fire of the enemy.

Avory at all; it was Mrs. Amory." "Oh, I don't take much count about m's or v's," said Kink. "It began with a big 'A, and it ended in 'ory, and that was good enough for me." "Kink," said Janet, "you're a dear. You've given us the most beautiful holiday." Hester suddenly turned pale. "Mother!" she exclaimed, "what about the twenty-five sovereigns?" "Yes," said Robert, "that's awful!"

On one of these Sundays I found Roman boys playing an inscrutable game among the busts of their storied compatriots, a sort of "I spy" or "Hide and go whoop," counting who should be "It" in an Italian version of "Oneary, ory, ickory, an," and then scattering in every direction behind the plinths and bushes.