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For from the very instant that her eye rested upon the figure of the girl in pink organdie dress and big hat she knew something was wrong. And when, within a few feet of the river the girl stopped running, shrank back, covered her face with her hands, then staggered on, she knew that that girl was going to the river to kill herself. There was one frozen instant of powerlessness. Then what to do?

I was very happy until it was all over then, I remember, as I walked down the aisle in my organdie dress we wore organdie then, too, girls with a big bouquet of pink roses on my arm and everyone smiling and nodding at all of us, it came over me with a rush that my school days were all over and that they'd never come back.

That was what I impersonated my own father with him looking on! All the others had had costumes and burnt cork and things to help them; but I had on a pink flowered organdie and pink slippers with a huge pink bow on my head, and my looks were all dead against my success. But I did succeed! I knew I would when I took my stand and looked down into Father's surprised and alarmed face.

Half an hour later, a very different looking Azalea went down the front staircase and out onto the porch. She wore a becoming dress of flowered organdie, with knots of bright velvet, and her pretty hair was carefully arranged. Smiling and happy-looking, she met the guests and greeted them with a graceful cordiality.

Tillie had stayed at home to get supper. Thea got up, washed her hot face and arms, and put on the white organdie dress she had worn last night; it was getting too small for her, and she might as well wear it out. After she was dressed she unlocked her door and went cautiously downstairs. She felt as if chilling hostilities might be awaiting her in the trunk loft, on the stairway, almost anywhere.

He found her in the dining-room, her hands full of the gold-bordered china plates, only used on special occasions and which Louisa was forbidden to touch. His wife was more than ordinarily pretty that day. She wore a dress of flowered organdie over pink sateen with pink ribbons about her waist and neck, and on her slim feet the low shoes she always affected, with their smart, bright buckles.

"And I'll teach you how to undress becomingly," said Beer, not wanting to be outclassed in her own game. Warble waved Petticoat out of the room, dismissed Beer with a simple "Get out!" and then quickly flung off the clothes she wore and hopped into a little frock of white organdie and cherries.

In the afternoon she went uptown and bought some lovely pale yellow silk organdie. She made it up herself Sara is a genius at dressmaking and it was the prettiest gown at the musicale. Sara wore her old grey silk made over. Sara doesn't care anything about dress, but then she is forty. Walter Shirley was at the Trents'. The Shirleys are a new family here; they moved to Atwater two months ago.

Alice nodded vaguely, went up to her room, and, after only a moment with her mirror, brought from her closet the dress of white organdie she had worn the night when she met Russell for the first time. She laid it carefully upon her bed, and began to make ready to put it on. Her mother came in, half an hour later, to "fasten" her. "I'M all dressed," Mrs. Adams said, briskly.

Winter had no terrors when I thought of the nice warm clothes; I only wished I had a few of the organdie dresses I had packed up before wearing. And now? It is all gone, silver, father's law papers, without which we are beggars, and clothing! Nothing left! I could stand that. O my God, teach me to forgive them! Poor Miss Jones!