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You will find work to do, and you will not need to return to your mountain to pray. You will understand that work itself is prayer laborare est orare. Your prayer towards the sky was barren and profitless, but prayer towards the earth, work, will give full satisfaction to your soul. "And I mocked him. "'What lie is this? I said. 'How do you dare to confuse labour and prayer?

One of their precepts a precept up to which all lived was: "Laborare est orare," To work is to pray. Someone has said that the difference between the genius and the ordinary man is that the genius has a tireless capacity for patient, hard work, while the other regards effort as a painful exaction, and is ever looking forward to the time when he can rest.

There was a little oratory attached to the hall, where he and the lay brethren kept the hours, to a certain degree, putting two or three services into one, on a liberal interpretation of laborare est orare. Ambrose's responses made their host observe as they went out, "Thou hast thy Latin pat, my son, there's the making of a scholar in thee."

Solus cum sola non cogitabuntur orare Pater Noster." "Upon my soul, I could say the Pater, and the Ave Maria, and the Credo in Deum patrem omnipotentem without her paying any more attention to me than a chicken to a church." "Swear to me, by the body of your mother," repeated the archdeacon violently, "that you have not touched that creature with even the tip of your finger."

In these, as in all other practical affairs, we act on the aphorism, Laborare est orare; we admit that intelligent work is the only acceptable worship, and that, whether there be a Supernature or not, our business is with Nature. We have ceased to believe in miracles.

How much it conflicts with our modern habit of putting God as far away from daily life as we can! The prayer is the consecration of our work for bread. The indirect way by which it is answered is a great blessing, and it pledges us to labour. Orare est laborare.

Although he was in prison the Apostle was constantly at work for his Master, and not least of all at the work of prayer. If ever the words orare est laborare, "to pray is to labour," were true, they were true of St. Paul, for to him to pray was to work with all his might, as we shall see from a study of another of the prayers offered in his Roman prison. Prayer is described as a conflict.

In the commencement of 1839, the low state of the funds of the different benevolent societies formed in connection with her prison labors, exercised her faith. None ever carried into practice more fully the old monkish maxim Labor est orare. Refuges had been formed, at Chelsea for girls, and at Clapham for women, while the Ladies' Society and the convict-ships demanded funds incessantly.

Rachel could only weep out her shame and thankfulness, and when Alick reverently added that it was a scheme that would require much thought and much prayer, the pang struck her to the heart how little she had prayed over the F. U. E. E. The prayer of her life had been for action and usefulness, but when she had seen the shadow in the stream, her hot and eager haste, her unconscious detachment from all that was not visible and material had made her adhere too literally to that misinterpreted motto, laborare est orare.

And God himself, the Grand Architect, the Master Builder of the world, has labored from eternity; and working by his omnipotent will, he inscribes his plans upon illimitable space, for the universe is his trestle board. There was a saying of the monks of old which is well worth meditation. They taught that "laborare est orare" labor is worship.