United States or Montserrat ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As for the opinion itself, I hold it in the utmost contempt. The people are waiting in virtuous patience for the completion of the bill, because they know it is in the hands of men who do not mean to deceive them. I do not believe they have given up one atom of reform I do not believe that a great people were ever before so firmly bent upon any one measure.

Fox Complaints against the English Government Bonaparte and Lacuee Affectionate behaviour Arrest of Pichegru Method employed by the First Consul to discover his presence in Paris Character of Moreau Measures of Bonaparte regarding him Lauriston sent to the Temple Silence respecting the Duc d'Enghien Napoleon's opinion of Moreau and Georges Admiration of Georges Offers of employment and dismissal Recital of former vexations Audience of the Empress Melancholy forebodings What Bonaparte said concerning himself Marks of kindness.

At South Wellmouth, his first port of call, he had strengthened his political fences by dropping in upon and chatting with several acquaintances who prided themselves upon being "in the know" concerning local political opinion and drift. Mr. "Raish" Pulcifer no one in Ostable county ever referred to him as Horatio had already held the positions of town clerk, selectman, constable and postmaster.

There is at the present moment so strong a pretension set up in many constituencies to dictate to the members whom they send to Parliament as if they were delegates, and not representatives, that it is worth while to refer to the opinion which the greatest of philosophical statesman, Edmund Burke, expressed on the subject a hundred years ago, in opposition to that at a rival candidate who admitted and supported the claim of constituents to furnish the member whom they returned to Parliament with "instructions" of "coercive authority."

He is directly subject to the legislative power, to the people; he is a single man, resisting the combined attack of opinion, personal interests and the passions of society."

She advised me not to abandon myself to a blind confidence, and this opinion was strengthened when I related all I had gathered upon the subject.

"How can you have discovered that already?" asked Mr Enderby, whose fingers were busy dissecting a stalk of flowering grass. "I hardly know; I have nothing to quote for my opinion. Her conversation leaves a general impression of her being very sensible." "Sensible, as she is a woman," observed Margaret; "if she were a man, she would be called philosophical."

My opinion is, that a man should know everything as far as in his power lies: that he should complete his cycle of experience; and, one science being as necessary as another, it behoves him.

Infidelity is bred in 'the filth and corruption of large towns and manufacturing districts. The disappearance of clerical influence has led to 'a mass of ignorance, vice, and wretchedness which no generous heart can contemplate without grief. It is not surprising that, in Southey's opinion, it is doubtful whether the bulk of the people has gained or lost in the last thousand years.

You accept a vote, or something very much more obvious than a vote. Now it may be that in Jerusalem there is not one people but rather three or four; but each is a real people, having its public opinion, its public policy, its flag and almost, as I have said, its frontier.