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Thar's gents who does their work from the bottom of a deck -puts up a hand on the bottom, an' confers it on a pard or on themse'fs as dovetails with their moods. He's a one-arm party shy his right arm, he is who deals a hand from the bottom the best I ever beholds. "'No, I don't regyard crooked folks as dangerous at poker, only you've got to watch 'em.

The nurse came and laid him back with gentle remonstrance. Before he had regained his voice to talk more the minister came, obeying a summons of grave import. Then came One who sealed One-arm Jerry's lips and quieted the fingers that had been picking at the faded coverlet as though they were gathering pennies.

Everybody's saying 'Stop, Look, Listen! When in doubt you say that, the white aprons in the one-arm lunch rooms say it now when you kick on the size of the buns. You will find your letters in the left-hand drawer. I told that collector from the necktie foundry that he needn't wear himself to a shadow carrying bills up here; that you paid all your bills by check on the tenth of the month.

Cap'n Aaron Sproul, late skipper of the Jefferson P. Benn, sat by the bedside of his uncle, "One-arm" Jerry, and gazed into the latter's dimming eyes. "It ain't bein' a crowned head, but it's honer'ble," pleaded the sick man, continuing the conversation. His eager gaze found only gloominess in his nephew's countenance.

If it wa'n't for ow, Josephus Henry! for this rheumatiz, I'd be aboard the Benn this minute with a marlinespike in my hand, and op'nin' a fresh package of language." "But you ain't fit for the sea no longer," mumbled One-arm Jerry through one corner of the mouth that paralysis had drawn awry. "That's what I told the owners of the Benn when I fit 'em off'm me and resigned," agreed the Cap'n.

"Both who?" "One-Arm Pete." "Oh, great guns, I forgot all about him. Oh, I hope not." "Hope! Well, I should say! Oh, we can't spare him! We can better afford to lose a million viscounts than our only support and stay."

"Kill-joy. How about the one-arm bandits?" He pointed to several rows of slot machines. "No help there, either. It depends on how they're set, but usually out of every four coins you put in, one drops out of play completely. The only one who ever sees it again is the man who owns the machine. So, if you keep feeding money in, eventually the machine will take it all.

"Didn't know you were in town, Mort," Thatcher interrupted. "I've been in Chicago a week and only got back this evening. I found your esteemed fellow townsman about to hit a one-arm lunch downtown and thought it best to draw him away from the lights of the great city." This was apology or explanation, as one chose to take it. Bassett was apparently unmoved by it. "I've been in town a day or two.