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It can be used for macaroni, etc., in place of the tomato paste. Mince one-quarter of an onion, one-half a stalk of celery, a few leaves of sweet basil, and a bunch of parsley up fine. Add one-half cup of olive-oil, a pinch of salt and one of pepper, and cut eight or nine tomatoes into slices. Boil until the sauce is as thick as cream, stirring occasionally, then strain through a sieve and serve.

One's European olive-oil, the other's American cotton-seed olive-oil. Tell 'm apart? 'Course you can't. Nobody can. People that want to, can go to the expense and trouble of shipping their oils to Europe and back it's their privilege; but our firm knows a trick worth six of that. We turn out the whole thing clean from the word go in our factory in New Orleans: labels, bottles, oil, everything.

"It isn't the prices, Mrs. Jardine it's the quantity you have been ordering. Are you running a hotel?" "No," I said. "Not that I know of." "Well," he answered. "Look here; here's three gallons of olive-oil you've ordered in one week." "Three gallons!" I gasped. "You mean three bottles." "No, ma'am! Three gallons!" "Who ordered it?" "That there old woman of yours, the one that cusses so."

It is here that they then all eat, and in it the women of the establishment perform their work, spinning and weaving and mending. Off from the court will be situated the wine-press, or the olive-press, the-granaries, the fruit mellowing on mats, and the various rooms or bins where wine is fermented and stored, or where the olive-oil is treated and stocked.

Italian Veal and Macaroni. Season tender veal cutlets with salt and red pepper and sauté in hot olive-oil; then cover and simmer until tender. Boil macaroni until tender; drain. Add the macaroni to the veal with 1 cup of stock, and 3 tablespoonfuls of chopped cheese. Let all simmer ten minutes. Put on a platter and cover with bread-crumbs fried in butter. Serve hot. French Squirrel Fricassee.

And so-forth and so-on, for ten minutes longer, in the same fervid strain. Then New Orleans piped up and said Yes, it's a first-rate imitation, that's a certainty; but it ain't the only one around that's first-rate. For instance, they make olive-oil out of cotton-seed oil, nowadays, so that you can't tell them apart.

Their provisions, in this case, consisted of barley-meal, olive-oil, a few loaves of wheaten bread, and a little dried paste for making soup. The soup was made of a few onions, dried peppers, salt, oil, and the paste. On first starting, some of the more respectable had a few hard-boiled eggs, with which the Jews most frequently travel; and others had a little pickled fish.

It is the beat quality known to West Africa; and, beginning some half a century ago, large quantities are shipped for Marseilles, to assist in making salad-oil. Why this 'olive-oil' has not been largely manufactured in England I cannot say. Thus the French have monopolised the traffic of the Gambia; they have five houses, and the three English, Messrs.

It is then applied to a rapidly-revolving horizontal iron wheel, constantly supplied with diamond-dust, and moistened with olive-oil. The anxious care and caution required in this operation render it a very tedious one: the cutting of the Koh-i-noor will last many months, and be attended with an immense expense.

In this path he was followed by illustrious successors especially by Sixtus IV. and Alfonso II. of Aragon, who enriched themselves by trafficking in the corn and olive-oil of their famished provinces.