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"The Ogilvys and the Campbells used to be mortal enemies, but the feud has been long forgotten." "Ay, I've heard tell," Waster Lunny said sceptically, "that Airlie and Argyle shakes hands now like Christians; but I'm thinking that's just afore the Queen. Dinna speak now, for I'm in the thick o't.

"But I'm sorry to say that the Ogilvys were licked, though I say it that shouldn't," continued the captain, with a sigh, as he relighted his pipe. "Howsever, "`Never ventur', never win, Blaze away an' don't give in, "As Milton remarks in his preface to the Pilgrim's Progress." "True, captain," said the lieutenant, "and you know that he who fights and runs away, shall live to fight another day."

"No doubt the Ogilvys would lick the Lindsays now if they had a chance." "I believe they would," said the lieutenant, "for they have become a race of heroes since the great day of the Battle of Arbroath.

Weel, there's a curran Ogilvys among the guests, and it was them that egged on her little leddyship to make the daring proposal to the earl. What was the proposal? It was no less than that the twa pipers should be ordered to play 'The Bonny House o' Airlie. Dominie, I wonder you can tak it so calm when you ken that's the Ogilvy's sang, and that it's aimed at the clan o' Campbell." "Pooh!" I said.

They fowt on that occasion like born imps, an' they would ha' certainly won the day, if they hadn't been, every man jack of 'em, cut to pieces before the battle was finished." "Well said, uncle," exclaimed Ruby, with a laugh. "No doubt the Ogilvys would lick the Lindsays now if they had a chance."

"Leftenant," said the captain gravely, "your quotation, besides bein' a kind o' desecration, is not applicable; 'cause the Ogilvys did not run away. They fowt on that occasion like born imps, an' they would ha' certainly won the day, if they hadn't been, every man jack of 'em, cut to pieces before the battle was finished." "Well said, uncle," exclaimed Ruby, with a laugh.

"Nothing," I said.... Making money in those days was so ridiculously easy! The trouble was to know how to spend it. One evening when I got home I told Maude I had a surprise for her. "A surprise?" she asked, looking up from a little pink smock she was making for Chickabiddy. "I've bought that lot on Grant Avenue, next to the Ogilvys'." She dropped her sewing, and stared at me.

"Indeed, captain, you are out of your latitude. We have the Edmonstones of Unst, and the Lord Dundas, and the Mouats, and the Ogilvys, and Scott of Scalloway, and Braces of Sandwick, and also of Symbister; and Spences, and Duncans, and the Nicolson family; baronets of old date, all honourable men, and of ancient lineage; besides many others I have not named, standing equally well in the estimation of the country; and then there is the Lunnasting family of Lunnasting Castle, of which I spoke to you.

"Nothing," I said.... Making money in those days was so ridiculously easy! The trouble was to know how to spend it. One evening when I got home I told Maude I had a surprise for her. "A surprise?" she asked, looking up from a little pink smock she was making for Chickabiddy. "I've bought that lot on Grant Avenue, next to the Ogilvys'." She dropped her sewing, and stared at me.

Paret, the Breck's physician and friend; the Durretts and the Hambletons, iron-masters; the Hollisters, Sherwins, the McAlerys and Ewanses, Breck connections, the Willetts and Ogilvys; in short, everyone of importance in the days between the 'thirties and the Civil War.