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It looked like a mere accident my finding the track which leads to it near the spot where I fell, but it is the Lord's doing. Tell me, Softswan, have you never heard Whitewing and Little Tim speak of the pale-face missionary the Preacher, they used to call me?" "Yes, yes, oftin," answered the girl eagerly. "Me tinks it bees you. Me very glad, an' Leetil Tim he "

"`Wot are you, then? says the hofficer. "`I's a Moor, says I. "`Moor's the pity, says he." Ted gave a short laugh at this. "Now, that's strange," observed Ali, glancing at his companion in some surprise; "that's 'zactly wot they all did, w'en the hofficer says that! I've thought oftin 'bout it since, but never could see wot they laugh at."

We do not require it for health, neither do we for sickness. Let us throw it away, my friends; it is a dangerous and deceitful foe." "Mais, monsieur," interposed Gibault with a rueful countenance; "you speak de trooth; but though hims be dangereux an' ver' bad for drink oftin, yet ven it be cold vedder, it doo varm de cokils of de hart!" Big Waller laughed vociferously at this.

Sure, now, me conscience if I've got wan doesn't bother me oftin; an' if it did, on this occasion, I'd send it to the right-about double quick, for it's not offerin' ye five hundred pound I am to stop the coorse o' justice, but to save ye from committin' murther! Give Muster Brixton what punishment the coort likes for stailin' only don't hang him. That's all we ask."

I will content myself with this lucky meetin'. But, I say, Nigel, lad," continued the old man, somewhat more seriously, "what if the Peak o' Rakata, what's 'is name, should take to spoutin' like this one, an you, as you say, livin' under it?" "Ha! das 'zackly what I say," interposed Moses. "Das what I oftin says to massa, but he nebber answers. He only smile.

"Massa Pedro," said Quashy, who would have been glad to have the recollection of ghosts totally banished from his mind, "I's oftin hear ob de Incas, but I knows not'ing about dem. Who is dey? whar dey come fro?"

"Dat is troo, an' vat I has obsarve oftin," said Rollin, looking earnestly into a kettle which rested on the fire. "Never mind, Vic," said Ian heartily, "we'll be at it again to-morrow, bright and early. We're sure to succeed in the long-run. Petawanaquat can't travel at night in the woods any more than we can." Old Peegwish glared at the fire as though he were pondering these sayings deeply.

I have oftin, smokin my own shroot in silents in a corner of the Diwann, listened to Jools and his friends inwaying aginst Hingland, and boastin of their own immortial country. How they did go on about Wellintun, and what an arty contamp they ad for him! how they used to prove that France was the Light, the Scenter-pint, the Igsample and hadmiration of the whole world! But to our tail.

"Lord, yes, I understand you, Miss Betty," Kettle replied, with a chuckle. "I knows when you is bullyraggin' me an' say you is goin' to sen' me back to Virginia, you is jes' jokin'. You done tole me that too oftin, Miss Betty, an' you ain't never give me no ticket yet, an' 'tain't nothin' but a sign you is comin' roun', Miss Betty."

March pulled the little volume out of the breast of his coat as he spoke, and handed it to the girl, who received it eagerly, and looked at it with mingled feelings of awe and curiosity for some time before she ventured to open it. "The Bibil. Dick have oftin speak to me 'bout it, an' try to 'member some of it. But he no can 'member much. He tell me it speak about the great good Spirit.