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It was a fatal mistake. He had set in motion the machinery which operated the figure's left arm, and it moved that limb in towards its body, and hugged the sergeant to its breast, with a vice-like grip. Then it started in a faltering and uneven, but dogged, way to walk towards the river. "Immortial Saints!" gasped the sergeant, "he's squazin' the livin' breath out uv me.

HONRABBLE BARNET! Retired from the littery world a year or moar, I didn't think anythink would injuice me to come forrards again: for I was content with my share of reputation, and propoas'd to add nothink to those immortial wux which have rendered this Magaseen so sallybrated. Shall I tell you the reazn of my re-appearants? a desire for the benefick of my fellow-creatures? Fiddlestick!

Jams Pallice, and the Corts of Lor. "I can surwhey them all at one cut of the eye," Jools thought; "the Sovring, the infamus Ministers plotting the destruction of my immortial country; the business and pleasure of these pusprond Londoners and aristoxy; I can look round and see all."

"'None iv your blarney, says the squire, 'here's my leg, says he, cockin' it up to him, 'pull it for the bare life, says he; 'an' if you don't, by the immortial powers I'll not lave a bone in your carcish I'll not powdher, says he.

Nick; them's the words o' the immortial Nelson, w'en he gave the signal to blaze away at Trafalgar. But sit ye down here on this rock, and I'll tell ye all about wot I see'd last night. Ye'd like to know, I dessay." "I'd like to have know'd sooner, if you had seen fit to tell me," said Rodney Nick, in a gruff tone. "Well, then, keep yer mind easy, and here goes.

"'Let be," said Mulvaney; "this time next month we're in the Sherapis. 'Tis immortial fame the gentleman's goin' to give us. But kape it dhark till we're out av the range av me little frind Bobs Bahadur." And I have obeyed Mulvaney's order. Love heeds not caste nor sleep a broken bed. I went in search of love and lost myself. Hindu Proverb.

In the language o' the immortial Nelson, `England expec's every man to do his dooty. Now it seems to me my dooty on the present occasion is to lay myself alongside of a buffalo an' blaze away! Isn't that the order o' battle?" "Yes. But don't go for a bull, and don't go too close for fear he turns sharp round an' catches you on his horns. You know the bulls are apt to do that sometimes."

"None iv your blarney," says the squire. "Here's my leg," says he, cockin' it up to him "pull it for the bare life," says he; an'"if you don't, by the immortial powers I'll not lave a bone in your carcish I'll not powdher," says he.

These plays immortial? Ah, parrysampe, as the French say, this is too strong the small-beer of the "Sea Capting," or of any suxessor of the "Sea Capting," to keep sweet for sentries and sentries! Barnet, Barnet! do you know the natur of bear? I've notted down a few frazes here and there, which you will do well do igsamin: