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Reibmayr, Entwicklungsgeschichte des Talentes und Genics, Bd. II, p. 31. Mardrus, Les Mille Nuits, vol. xvi, p. 158. In Ch. IX of the present volume it has already been necessary to discuss the meaning of the term, "morality." Thus, in Paris, in 1906, in the rich quarters, the birthrate per 1,000 inhabitants was 19.09; in well-to-do quarters, 22.51; and in poor quarters, 29.70.

"What shall we drink?" "What you like, only not too much. Champagne," said Levin. "What! to start with? You're right though, I dare say. Do you like the white seal?" "Cachet blanc," prompted the Tatar. "Very well, then, give us that brand with the oysters, and then we'll see." "Yes, sir. And what table wine?" "You can give us Nuits. Oh, no, better the classic Chablis." "Yes, sir.

The Rose Ambrée and Nuits d'Orient filled the whole vast salle, and pleased the officers, I was sure. They bowed and smiled and paid us compliments, their many medals glittered in the light, and their uniforms were resplendent against the cold background of the walls. I wished that, instead of one girl, I had been a dozen!

The most noticeable feature of the ritual was the prominence assigned to women; "ce sont les femmes qui le pleurent, et qui l'accompagnent a sa tombe. Elles sanglotent eperdument pendant les nuits, c'est leur dieu plus que tout autre, et seules elles veulent pleurer sa mort, et chanter sa resurrection."

"Le point du jour A nos bosquets rend toute leur parure; Flore est plus belle a son retour; L'oiseau reprend doux chant d'amour; Tout celebre dans la nature Le point du jour. "Le point du jour Cause parfois, cause douleur extreme; Que l'espace des nuits est court Pour le berger brulant d'amour, Force de quitter ce qu'il aime Au point du jour!"

We stopped at Nuits to sup and to sleep. My dear tutor drank half-a- dozen bottles of Burgundy, which warmed up his eloquence marvellously. M. d'Anquetil kept him company, glass in hand, but to hold his own in conversation also was a thing of which this nobleman was not quite capable. The meat was good, the beds were bad.

I stared stupidly and wearily into the glare. The light moved all over me and my bed. The rough voice behind the glare said: "Vous etes le nouveau?" Monsieur Auguste, from my left, said quietly: "Oui, c'est le nouveau." A perfect symphony of "Bonne nuits" "Dormez biens" and other affectionate admonitions greeted the exeunt of the authorities.

"Au reste, si monsieur le consultant ne passe les nuits bien calmes, il prendra chaque soir a l'heure de sommeil six grains des pilules de cynoglosse, dent il augmentera la dose d'un grain de plus toutes les fois que la dose du jour precedent, n'aura pas ete suffisante pour lui faire passer la nuit bien calme.

Anne est accouchee prematurement, et l'enfant une fille est morte apres avoir vecu deux nuits et un jour. On l'a baptisee Annie Jane Hamerton Gould. Anne est dans un etat de faiblesse tel qu'on n'espere pas la conserver au-dela de quelques semaines, et mon pauvre oncle est dans l'ile de Wight avec elle, ou tout cela se passe.

So at the end he had placed a poem, which told of a visit from his muse, after the fashion of Musset's "Nuits"; the muse had been sad and silent, and in the end the poet had torn up the product of his hours of despair, and had renewed his faith with the gracious one. Meantime the long winter months dragged by, and still there was no gleam of hope.