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"Comme c'est terrible," I said, "quelle chance que ça s'est fait la nuit!" I saw visions of leaping flames and angry reds reflected in the sky. Then I remembered. It was at the Printemps that I had chosen my divine coat. They had promised faithfully to send it me to-day.

Je me déshabille je fais ma toilette de nuit, monsieur et je vais maintenant m'agenouiller et faire ma prière. Donc bon soir et bonne nuit " And, too low for him to hear even the faintest breathing whisper of her voice "Good-night. I love you with all my heart with all my heart in my own fashion."

Macshane then quitted Worcester, mounted on Hayes's horse; leaving all parties at the "Three Rooks" not a little anxious for his return. This was not to be expected until the next morning; and a weary nuit de noces did Mr. Hayes pass. Dinner was served, and, according to promise, Mr. Brock and his two friends enjoyed the meal along with the bride and bridegroom.

In the evening she brought in one containing the nightgown and nightcap, and the stockings for the next morning; this basket was called pret de la nuit. They were in the department of the lady of honour, the tirewoman having nothing to do with the linen. Nothing was put in order or taken care of by the Queen's women.

Aux mains seules, ils m'ont applique le feu et le fer plus de 18 fois, et i'etais oblige de chanter pendant ce supplice. Ils ne cessaient de me tourmenter qu'a une ou deux heures de la nuit." Bressani, Relation Abregee, 122. Bressani speaks in another passage of tortures of a nature yet more excruciating. He adds, that past ages have never heard of such.

The small felucca of the Loulia was alongside. Hamza took her by the arm. Although his hand was small and delicate, it seemed to her then a thing of iron that could not be resisted. She got into the boat. Where was she going to be taken? It occurred to her now that perhaps Baroudi had some plan, that he did not choose to keep her on board, that he had a house at Luxor, or The Villa Nuit d'Or!

But if his excesses had destroyed his ingenuousness, she destroyed his faith in human nature, and on her will ever rest the brand he set in the burning words of the "Nuit d'Octobre."

Quel chagrin, quel ennui De compter toute la nuit Les heures, les heures!". The verse appealed to Honora strangely; just as it had appealed to Ibbetson. Was she not, too, a prisoner. And how often, during the summer days and nights, had she listened to the chimes of the Pilgrim Church near by? "One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!"

Whilst the council was sitting in Pampeluna the White Company, having encamped in a neighboring valley, close to the companies of La Nuit and of Black Ortingo, were amusing themselves with sword-play, wrestling, and shooting at the shields, which they had placed upon the hillside to serve them as butts.

Is not each separate leg swathed in complete divorcement from its fellow? Or, womanish, do they rest in the common dormitory of a shirt de nuit? The Englishman does wear pajamas, but the word with him takes on an Icelandic meaning. They are built to the prescription of an Esquimo. They are woolly, fuzzy and the width of a finger thick.