United States or Mexico ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

However, I did not have much time for reflection anent either of them; for hardly had we taken stock of each other, when a stoutish middle-aged man, dressed in a tight-fitting monkey-jacket, ornamented with the letters `NP' on the collar, and a row of bright crown-and-anchor buttons down the front, besides having a gold badge bearing the same device over the mohair band of his blue peaked cap, appeared at the doorway of the cabin, or `police office, as the place is properly called, where we three boys were waiting anxiously to learn our fate.

Then one will know the length and position of the lines NH, EM, and of HE, which is the thickness of the Crystal: which lines being traced separately upon a plan, and then joining NE and NM which cuts HE at P, the proportion of the refraction will be that of EN to NP, because these lines are to one another as the sines of the angles NPH, NEP, which are equal to those which the incident ray ON and its refraction NE make with the perpendicular to the surface.

But go on with your explanation, so that I can see if you really do understand it." "The parent columns run the same way, of course," Hamilton continued, "'U.S. meaning any one born in the United States, and 'Un. cases in which the parentage is unknown. Then 'NP' means native-born parents, and 'FP' foreign-born parents.

CROSS-SECTION OF BODY SEGMENT OF ANNELID. LANG. dp and vp, dorsal and ventral halves of parapodia; b and ac, bristles; k, gill; dc and vc, feelers; rm, lateral muscles; lm, longitudinal muscles; vd, dorsal blood-vessel; vo, ventral blood-vessel; bm, ventral ganglion; ov, ovary; tr, opening of nephridium in the perivisceral cavity; np, tubular portion of nephridium.