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Mary V had seen Johnny angry, often enough, but she had never seen just that look in his eyes; a stern anxiety that rather pleased her. "Why, I should have said 'Como esta Vd, and ridden right along. If he had been half as disagreeable as you have been, I expect maybe I'd have shot him. Go on home to Sinkhole, why don't you? I'm sure I don't enjoy this continual bickering."

The list might be extended indefinitely, even from such common names as these. The salutations of the people seem literal translations of those imported from the Orient, such as I am not aware of among other Europeans. What, for instance, is "Dios guarda Vd." More might be cited, but to those unacquainted with Arabic they would be of little interest.

At meal time you are always pressed to join the table in the same manner, and with the identical phrases still used by the Spaniards, but the request is one of politeness only, and like the "quiere Vd. gustar?" is not meant to be accepted. We continued on our way.

You thought you were acting for your country's good; I guess you were, from all I hear." The man had been looking at the speaker wonderingly, not understanding a word. Dan turned to him impatiently. "Get out!" he said. He pushed the man, searching his brain for the Spanish equivalent. "What the mischief oh," he glared at the trembling prisoner. "Vayase Vd! Largo de aqui!"

Usted, contraction of Vuestra merced, "your grace", usually written as Vd., is the polite form of address in Spanish. I entered my chamber to sleep? No.

CROSS-SECTION OF BODY SEGMENT OF ANNELID. LANG. dp and vp, dorsal and ventral halves of parapodia; b and ac, bristles; k, gill; dc and vc, feelers; rm, lateral muscles; lm, longitudinal muscles; vd, dorsal blood-vessel; vo, ventral blood-vessel; bm, ventral ganglion; ov, ovary; tr, opening of nephridium in the perivisceral cavity; np, tubular portion of nephridium.

And he asked himself, if instead of this first date the author of the document had not rather selected the date of the year in which the crime was committed. This was in 1826. And so proceeding as above, he obtained. 1826 1826 1826 phyj slyd dqfd and that gave o.vd rdv. cid.

Aqui tiene vd su casa!" and peering more closely into the dusky corner, I beheld a great face, lean to emaciation, dominated by a magnificent Roman nose with two great dark eyes sunk so deep on either side of its base they must forever remain strangers to one another.