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As Nep at length enlarged the hole, three eggs were disclosed to sight. Lord Reginald broke one of them, and cast it from him with disgust, for it contained a nearly formed bird. Nep, not being so particular as his master, supposing it was intended for him, without ceremony at once gobbled it up. The second and the third egg were in the same condition.

His heart beat wildly as he drew near his home, so great was his joy that he had not observed that Nep had not accompanied him from the ship. It was evident that he would take the family by surprise, for not even old Vingo was to be seen about the premises.

As the three sat on the beach, enjoying the morning breeze, Harry observed a gentleman not far off, who appeared to be taking sketches of the scenery around, and occasionally would give a glance towards where our little party were sitting, somewhat to the disquietude of Nep, who came and stood sentinel, as much as to say, "I will protect you;" but finding the stranger disposed to do them no harm, he composed himself for a nap.

Day after day passed, and that little one was often seen, attended by old Nep, or in the arms of the faithful Vingo, on her way to the low home over the commons, much to the horror of sensitive mothers, who shook their heads and said, "she is a strange child."

Together they lay motionless upon the deck, Harry and Nep, when the captain coming along would have stumbled over them, had he not caught at a halliard near by. "What in the name of things unheard of, is all this?" exclaimed he, with an oath; "this indeed is a curious beginning for the little land-lubber!

He seems in pain to-day; we thought he would see him." At last I got in a question edgeways as to the antecedents, as the trio kept on answering one another in chorus, "Poor dear Nep your cousin nephew, I mean the bravest " Then it flashed on me. "Do you mean that it was for your dog that Harold went into the water yesterday!" "Oh, the bravest, most generous, the most forgiving. So tender-handed!

It was the morning after the sailing of the Nautilus; the Sea-flower had arisen with the sun, and calling for old Nep, as was her wont, to accompany her on her morning's walk, she tripped lightly along, humming a farewell to the last altheas, as they nodded their shrivelled heads, in view of their departure; but their words of adieu were made brief, by a voice as of one in distress; and coming near, it proved to be the musical Vingo, trilling the wild melodies of his old Virginia days.

"Oh, Nep! oh Flora!" said Jane, "where have you come from? Who can have brought you here? Poor old fellows! dear old fellows!" And the favourites from Cross Hall laid their happy heads in her lap, and rejoiced in their old mistress's caresses. "What beauties!" said Miss Phillips; "but I do not like dogs in the drawing-room." "I will take them out," said Jane, trembling with wonder and agitation.

Nep showed how thirsty he was by lapping it up eagerly. He waited some time, half expecting that Hargrave would join him. He was too proud to call him, and inquire how he had escaped from the wreck, which he wished to know, as well as to ascertain if any one else had been saved.

As soon as he had finished his first arrow he got up, and placing it in the string, shot it along the shore. The arrow took a wavering flight, and flew some fifty yards or so, burying itself in the sand. Nep got up to it, barking with delight, while Lord Reginald crawled after it.