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This yeare the 23. of Februarie, Galfridus Monumetensis, otherwise called Galfridus Arthurius, who turned the British historie into Latine, was consecrated bishop of S. Assaph, by Theobald archbishop of Canturburie, at Lambeth, William bishop of Norwhich and Walter bishop of Rochester assisting him. Dor.

At the terme appointed, he interdicted all the kings dominions, and would not reuoke the sentence, till Robert bishop, of London, Hilarie bishop of Chichester, and William bishop of Norwhich, with manie other Noblemen, came to him vnto Framelingham in Norfolke, a castell apperteining to the said earle, where at length an attonment was concluded betwixt him and the king: wherevpon he was brought home vnto Canturburie with great ioy and honor.

12 There was also consideration had of a sonne which king Stephan had, named William, who though he were verie yoong, was yet appointed to sweare fealtie vnto duke Henrie as lawfull heire to the crowne. The same William had the citie of Norwhich, and diuerse other lands assigned him for the maintenance of his estate, and that by the consent and agréement of duke Henrie his adopted brother.