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At that instant Dick delivered a ball that the North batsman tapped, but just hard enough to drive it for a fair catch into Prescott's hands. "You idiot!" glared Martin at the offender, as the Norths took the field. However, all predictions were still in favor of the North Grammars, who had two runs put away while they had kept Prescott's men from scoring.

Pierpont Morgan the scale of their fortunes makes them public property and it is clear that we are dealing with persons on quite a different level of intellectual power from the British Colonel Norths, for example, or the South African Joels.

Better drag a dozen helpless Samanthy Norths from their homes, their suckling babes in their arms, and any number of gray-haired old men from their cabins, than waive one jot or tittle of so just a code; and lose the tax on whiskey.

"Ball one!" Hi felt a bit better for a moment. Then: "Strike three! Out!" With a muttered growl of disgust, Captain Martin gave up his post to Percival. "What has got into Prescott?" demanded Rodgers, of the Norths, anxiously. "Oh, we'll pound him to pieces soon," muttered Hi. "Strike one!" sounded the umpire's steady, low voice. In a moment or two more it was: "Strike three. Out!"

"What I was thinking, fellows, was that we are obliged to meet the South Grammar nine on the diamond to-day." "We're not afraid of them," scoffed Dave. "No," Dick went on, "but I've an idea that we're up against an ordeal, after a fashion. You all know what a guyer Ted Teall is -how he nearly broke up our match with the Norths last Wednesday afternoon."

Then he turned to send in a drive past Greg, who now hovered over the plate. Greg Holmes went to two strikes and three balls, Hi all the time alertly watching Prescott at second. Crack! And now Greg was running. Norths' left-fielder muffed the ball, then recovered and threw like a flash to third. But Dick was there a shade of a second ahead of the leather. "Safe" declared the umpire.

"I am sure there is nothing of the sort. Have the Norths come?" "Mrs. North is here, and the Senator brought her, but he had to go back; for that disgraceful Tariff bill still hangs on. I believe we are to pay for the very air we breathe: a Trust company has bought it up. Oh, by the way, you have a new housekeeper;" and both she and Emory laughed. "Do you mean that old Mrs. Sawyer has left?

The Norths had been among the town's earliest settlers, John's grandfather having taken his place among the pioneers when Mount Hope had little but its name to warrant its place on the map.

Then a third batsman took post. Dick Prescott, his face now flushed with pleasure, not humiliation, and his eyes flashing battle, put the third man out for the Norths. Yet, though the Central Grammars put two of their men on bases, they, too, went back to grass ere a run could be scored. The fifth inning was almost a duplicate of the fourth; no ground gained.

"You talked a lot about what you'd do with the nine -and what have you done? Left us the boobies of the league. We're the winners of the leather medal." "Why didn't you play yourself, then?" snarled Hi. "I wish I had. But we Norths were fooled by the talk you gave us about how baseball really ought to be played and managed. You're the school's mascot, you are, Hi Martin. Not!"