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"None at all;" and, overwhelmed with the sense of his utter helplessness, Norbert sank back upon a chair. After a brief period of reflection, Daumon spoke with apparent reluctance, "No, Marquis, I cannot see you so miserably unhappy without doing my best to help you. A man is a fool who puts out his hand to interfere between father and son, but I will find money to lend you what you want."

London rather tempts me," was the girl's dreamy reply. "I'm glad to hear it." "I must get Bertha's advice Miss Cross'." Will nodded. He was about to say something, but altered his mind; and so the colloquy ended. Toward ten o'clock that evening, Warburton alighted from a train at Notting Hill Gate, and walked through heavy rain to the abode of Norbert Franks.

"You would pardon me if you knew all the horrors of the punishment that I am enduring. I was mad, blind, besotted, nor did I love you as I do at this moment." A smile played round Diana's beautiful mouth, for Norbert had told her nothing that she did not know before, but she wished to hear it from his own lips. "Alas!" murmured she; "I can only frame my reply with the fatal words, 'Too late!"

In the darkness a desecration occurred, and Norbert perfected to the last detail whatever had been left incomplete of his own destruction.

He observed that Jacques Rival's was dry and warm and responded cordially to his pressure; Norbert de Varenne's was moist and cold and slipped through his fingers; Walter's was cold and soft, without life, expressionless; Forestier's fat and warm. His friend whispered to him: "To-morrow at three o'clock; do not forget." "Never fear!"

Meanwhile Norbert had come under the notice of the Emperor Lothair II, who forced him into the archbishopric of Magdeburg.

"It was given to me, but I will give it back." He was alluding to the louis given to him by Norbert, for the largeness of the sum made him think that the donor had made a mistake. "Keep the money," said the Duke; "I meant it for you; but tell me who gave this letter to you." "I can't tell you," answered the man. "If I ever saw him before, may my next glass of wine choke me.

And he recalled Norbert de Varenne's remarks, made to him a short while before. "He was right!" he declared aloud. It was gloomy in that cellar, as gloomy as in a tomb. What o'clock was it? The time dragged slowly on. Suddenly he heard footsteps, voices, and Jacques Rival reappeared accompanied by Boisrenard. The former cried on perceiving Duroy: "All is settled!"

As Diana heard these words of agony, a wild gleam of triumph shot from her eyes, but it faded away quickly, and left her cold and emotionless as a marble statue; and when she reappeared in the drawing-room, after taking leave of Norbert, her face wore so satisfied an expression, that the Viscount complimented her upon her apparent happiness.

Just think what must happen if I opposed the all-powerful Duke de Champdoce; why, I might find myself in prison in next to no time." "And for what reason, if you please?" asked Norbert. "Have you never studied law in the slightest degree, Marquis? Dear me, how neglectful some parents are!