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In the interests of non-psychic readers, I may explain that psychometry is the science of learning to receive impressions and intuitions from the atmosphere surrounding any material object a letter, a ring, a piece of pebble or shell, and so forth.

If I ask the psychic to close his eyes and I say to him, "Horse," he immediately visualizes a horse. The other, non-psychic, does not. I rather incline to believe that it is the former class who see ghosts, or rather some of them. The latter do not though they share interest in them.

That in itself explains the interest in the super-mystery story of the ghost and ghostly doings. Another element of mystery lies in such stories. Deeper and further back, is the supreme mystery of life after death what? "Impossible," scorns the non-psychic as he listens to some ghost story. To which, doggedly replies the mind of the opposite type, "Not so. I believe because it is impossible."

Personal experiences may well be the basis for no less personal myths; but the effort of intelligence and of science is rather to find the basis of the personal experiences themselves; and this non-psychic basis of experience is what common sense calls the facts, and what practice is concerned with.

The ghost story is not born of science, nor even of super-science, whatever that may be. It is not of science at all. It is of another sphere, despite all that the psychic researchers have tried to demonstrate. There are in life two sorts of people who, for want of a better classification, I may call the psychic and the non-psychic.

The artists are of the visualizing class and, in our more modern times, it is the psychic who think in motion pictures, or at least in a succession of still pictures. However we explain the ghostly and supernatural, whether we give it objective or merely subjective reality, neither explanation prevents the non-psychic from being intensely interested in the visions of the psychic.