United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As the Wellesley clubs present the best chance of reaching both graduate and non-graduate members, a chairman for each club was appointed, and made responsible for reaching all the Wellesley women in her geographical section, whether they were members of the club or not. In states where there were no clubs, state committees rounded up the scattered alumnae and non-graduates.

They were wearing their new coats now, several inches longer in the tail, and denoting them as real officers in the Navy. A non-graduate midshipman must salute one of these graduates whenever they meet. In their room, to be occupied but one night more, Dave and Dan finished dressing in their new uniforms at the same moment. "Shake, Danny boy!" cried Dave Darrin, holding out his hand.

Luke's, Galton, that he is anxious to make arrangements for a curate. You had better make an appointment, and if I hear favourably from him I will licence you for his church. It has always been the rule in this diocese that non-graduate candidates for Holy Orders should spend at least two years over their theological studies, but I am not disposed to enforce this rule in your case.

There is abundant evidence, however, which goes to prove that the college graduate has better chances for success than the non-graduate. It is admitted at the outset that some self-educated men have succeeded without a college education, while some college-trained men have failed in active life. It should be remembered that colleges do not exist to make ability, but to develop it.