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'If I've had enough of it, Louie put in, as a saving clause, luckily just too late to be heard by the nurse, who had sulkily closed the door behind her, declaring that 'sich an owdacious chit she never saw in her born days, and niver heerd on one oather. David and Barbier went back into the shop to talk, leaving Louie to her nursing.

I shall be a long time away; perhaps I may niver come back at all'; here he bitterly thought of an unregarded death. 'Say good-by. No answer. He waited patiently. Can she be wearied out, and gone to sleep, he wondered. Yet once again 'Good-by, Sylvie, and God bless yo'! I'm sorry I vexed yo'. No reply. With a heavy, heavy heart he creaked down the stairs, felt for his cap, and left the house.

'It hain't new, this takin' and payin' of blows, and don't you never think but that this will be squared. 'An' niver in me life did I take the lie from mortal man, was the retort courteous. 'An' it's an avil day I'll not be to hand, waitin' an' willin' to help ye lift yer debts, barrin' no manner of way. 'Still got that 38-55? Lon nodded. 'But you'd better git a more likely caliber.

"Why, theer, lass. Can yo' not see? Then yo' pit your head along o' mine so closer closer." Then, in aggrieved tones: "Whativer is the matter wi' yo', wench? I might be a leprosy." But the girl was walking away with her head high as the snow-capped Pike. "So long as I live, David M'Adam," she cried, "I'll niver go to church wi' you agin!" "Iss, but you will though onst," he answered low.

"Take up the billhook and the saw. Now bring the ladder." "What I said yesterday," mumbled Joseph, shambling by the nobleman's side, a little in the rear. "Joseph Beaker," said the earl, "hold your tongue." "Niver could do it," replied Joseph; "it slips from betwixt the thumb and finger like a eel.

"Och! that's all ye know!" cried Phil Briant. "Av ye'd only lived a month or two in Owld Ireland, ye'd have seen raison to change yer mind, ye would. Sure I've seed a ghost the worse o' liquor meself." "Oh! Phil, wot a stunner!" cried Gurney. "It's as true as me name's Phil Briant more's the pity. Did I niver tell ye o' the Widdy Morgan, as had a ghost come to see her frequently?"

Mountain's a harder man than your father, my dear. An' I fear as Joe's a bit wild, like his father when he was a boy, and obstinit. Theer niver was a obstinater man i' this earth than Samson Mountain, I do believe, an' Joe's got a bit on it in him. 'She's pretty, said Dick, returning with sudden childish inconsequence to the subject uppermost in his thoughts.

Be jabers, but wasn't that a nate thing, to be sure. I'll bet a thousand pounds which I niver had, that that fellow could draw the Mississippi up-stream if he was fairly hitched on to it. Ah, Teddy, you ain't much, afther all," he added, looking dolefully at his wet garments. Teddy had been so completely outwitted that he was unwilling any one should know it.

Divil sweep the omadhaun that would make his two elbows into a windmill that niver shtops, but is always going. Fair an' aisy goes far in a day. Walkin' is betther than runnin', an' standin' is betther than walkin', an' sittin' is betther than standin', an' lyin' is betther than any o' thim. Twas me owld father said it, an' a thrue wurud he shpoke, rest his sowl in glory."

Well, I got along to me room, sick an' sorry enough, an' doubtsome whether I might get in wid no key. But there was the key in the open door, an', by this an' that, all the shtuff in the room chair, table, bed, an' all was shtandin' on their heads twisty-ways, an' the bedclothes an' every thin' else; such a disgraceful stramash av conglomerated thruck as ye niver dhreamt av.