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But one of their number had been long absent, on a visit, it had been declared, to her distant estates; and if some who came less frequently to court, named the name of "Madama di Niuna" over-curiously, the courtiers turned their faces from each other, lest their eyes should betray the request of their beloved Sovereign Lady for so had her misfortunes and her graces and high demeanor won their loyalty.

Meanwhile vigorous efforts were being made to discover the identity of the person addressed as "L'Illustrissima, Madama di Niuna." But no light had been thrown upon the matter, although it had been openly discussed in the court-circle.

If Madama di Niuna would come forward to confess," she pursued with quiet emphasis, "it might lessen the penalty for participation in this intrigue which some among the Council tell us can be nothing less than death."

Madama di Thénouris, closely watching, saw that her fingers trembled so that she could scarcely hold her needle. "Tell me," she pursued in her leisurely fashion, after a slight pause, while Ecciva's needle still remained unthreaded, "what method shall we take to discover the identity of this unknown 'illustrissima' this Madama di Niuna?"

The girl's alarm grew evidently less; but it was a moment more before she answered: "Why doth your Excellency thus honor me, in calling me in counsel? There are others whose opinion would carry more weight." "Nevertheless, since I have asked thee, give me thy thought." "Madama di Niuna," the young maid of honor exclaimed petulantly, forgetting her deference, "there is no Madama di Niuna!