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"Passing from Fiji to Samoa," he said, "I had to leave the mail at Niuafou, in the Tongan Islands. It is a tiny isle, three miles long by as wide, an old crater in which is a lagoon, hot springs, and every sign of the devastation of many eruptions. The mail for Niuafou was often only a single letter and a few newspapers.

Go ahead, Mr. Howlman." "This man, after deserting from the Flycatcher at a place in this group called Yasawa, managed to make his way to the island of Niuafou, where at that time I was in temporary charge of the Christian Cultivation Association's trading station. He came to the island in an open boat from the Yasawa Group, and was not suspected until quite recently."

"'This do I, dog, for the husband of whom thou hast robbed me, and then there came a flash and a cry, and the white man sprang to his feet and fell forward on his face dead. "Then Tui ran from the house. She fled from her father and came towards the village, and Tepuaka the King followed her with death in his face. "'Kill her! he called to the men of Niuafou.

"'See, said one of these men of Niuafou to us vauntingly, 'see what has come to pass! Tuilagi refused to take for her husband the good and pious man Opataia, but fled with this common white man, who is no better than a heathen. And then what comes? This bad white man is caught by his countrymen and put in a prison with chains upon his body.

This letter from Hayling explains the whole business," and he handed, the lieutenant the despatch from the Admiral's secretary, which duly set forth that the Spitfire was to take on board a certain white trader living on Anuda otherwise, Cherry Island and bring him prisoner to Sydney. His wife was to be returned to her father at Niuafou. The last paragraph in the letter was to this effect

"It is well with her," they answered; "in a little while we will take you to her, but first let us tell thee of that which has befallen her on this island." Then they told him. "One day after the warship had gone," they said, "there came here a trading schooner from Niuafou. On the ship were Tepuaka, the King of Niuafou the father of thy wife and many of his men.